Thursday 30 June 2005

Bloggers are lovely

Thanks to everyone who commented or emailed me direct about my bad day yesterday. It really means a lot - you are all great. Have made an appt with my consultant to review my meds next week so hopefully something positive will come from that. Boss astonished me by spontaneously apologising to me this morning. Must be all the bad karma readers of yesterday's post were sending him...!


blueadt said...

I hope he felt bad all night after behaving like that to you. Maybe he had had a row with his partner or similiar.

Daisy said...

Hooray! That's great news!
Daisy x


Hey mate. My meds are really tipping me over the edge this week too. These things were supposed to help me and I can't stop crying. What the hell is going on. Plus it takes two weeks to get an appointment with my GP (I could go in and see another GP sooner, but they wouldn't know me or any of the background story so what's the point?) Glad your boss apologised, that is poor behaviour on his part and not setting a good example to the rest of your colleagues.
PP x