Monday 2 October 2006

Reasons to be cheerfull. 1, 2, 3.....

I really like that song – reasons to be cheerful by Ian Drury.

I spent more time navel gazing (or naval gazing as one of my colleagues once wrote in a widely circulated email) this weekend and have an addiction to craft (or cr-aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-ft as Pooch nows calls it – he’s been working on his south of england vowels after a life of phonetic crime up north). I obsess in order to distract myself from having time to feel stuff, innit. And then I hoard stuff so I can never run out of things to do. Because then I would have to use the byrne noodle for something other than glitter positioning. And on the subject of this, because life is never too short for such things, I made some sperm out of glitter glue last night. Now let’s review that sentence for a minute and reflect.


I would show you a picture (have just realised I’m making this sound worse) but didn’t have the camera handy. Suffice to say it is an ATC for a pregnancy and still-birth awareness ATC swap on swapbot and no glitter was cloned or harmed in the making of this object. I guess you need to see the picture really.

The first copies of the zine have reached their destinations and people are being very nice about it. But I need ideas and suggestions for the next one folks so email away or leave comments. If you are thinking to yourself, “What zine?” or even “zine = ?” I refer you to my previous post (scroll down because I screwed the formatting). Remember if you would like a copy (it is FREE!) you need to send me your postal address as I can’t get that from your blogger ID. Thank God. Goodness only knows what nonsense we’d all get in the post otherwise. Drifting off there into snail-spam-holocaust-mode. You can email me your address to littlelixieathotmaildotcom and be assured I will not post you any snails. Fnah fnah.

I leave you with this. Surely one of the most amazing creations of our time. It is firmly on my to do list.

(naval gazing)



Glitter glue sperm! Guffaw Guffaw. I will be sending you my zine review shortly, it's good, I will be more informative than that in my email. Oh yes.

Woolly Wormhead said...

We have to see a picture, don't we.

I found that Leia Hat a couple of days ago, and was going to blog about it. It's fab!