Jeez, I am a really bad blogger. I'm having some mood swings at the mo so keep not feeling like blogging. Am temporarily up though so thought I had better act fast.
I have one mofo amazing finished object to show off but no pics as my camera has once again vanished. It is the Zimmermann jumper in the cashmerino chunky I got from coldspring. Oh, it is soooooooooo nice. Plus a cushion and have cast on another pair of socks using the stupendous addis my SP sent me. Woo ha for SP!
I know the next podcast episode hasn't appeared and that was really a result of me being down as I just couldn't be arsed. But.... I do want to do another so let's see what easter brings.

On the subject of easter I have a couple of token pics for you but most of all a poster on a zine list I belong to has told a story of an answermachine message they had when they got home. Apparently a telemarketer had called and left a message which went....
"Jesus died for you.
The least you can do is go to church on sunday."
Yeah baby. You know society has reached a new low when churches resort to open guilt-trip tactics.