It was quite different to WWE but I still managed to shout "hit him" quite a bit and generally boo and cheer a lot.
It was compared by a man in a silver boiler suit. Want.
The highlight for me was Cassandro - a genre of wrestler not seen in WWE which I feel is a great shame. He strutted to the stage wearing a high cut wrestling outfit, slashed to the navel, with full make up and hair so bouffant and glittery as to be worthy of a spotlight even without the attached man.
He played to the crowd obviously but was actually quite good.
This was an early birthday present for me and even more impressive as Humphrey had not had any exposure to wrestling before meeting me. He made it through without complaint and with mucho verve which was all to his credit as I do know how freaking weird I am to love this stuff so much. Time for the big reveal? Here he is...
(He's the one on the right).
In life's other sphere I made some clouds.
That seems to have sapped my crafting mojo. Am unable to start or continue with anything else which is very irritating. Fingers crossed it does not continue much longer.