I have been meaning to do this for ages and the thing that was holding me up was not having a button. But now I still don't have a button but am not waiting any longer. To fit in with Ally Pally and it being National Knitting Week I declare next wednesday (11th October) to be WYWTWD - or Wear Your Wool to Work Day! Your challenge is to create a button and also spread the word! What you do is.....wear soemthing that you have knitted to work. Or school. Or Uni. Or around the house if you're not working that day. Pretty simple!
In other news here are some photos....
This is the spiral tank top which I have run out of wool for! Tess thinks she can do me some more. Feel like such an amateur in running out!
This is the first of Pooch's lobster mittens. Long story. In case some of you haven't noticed, and for the rest of you to read once you recover from your faints, The Byrne is using dpn's. I know. I knwo I hate them. The fact that I'm using them and for fairisle no less is surely a sign of my immense love for The Pooch. Or some sort of sick, masochistic thing.
I bought a book in Oxfam called 'knitting 4 seasons' which is pure 80s but has some rather interesting things in it. One of them is this coat.
There is also a top in the same pattern. It seems to call to me....
I received mt copy of the 'cut out and keep' zine which is really lovely. It is A6 size.
I also got some wicked 'to do list' bookmarks and a 'girl hooker' badge which is pink with a crochet hook on! I will be watching for the second issue. You can buy the first one
And talking of zines....here is my entry into the first challenge!
I'm pretty sure I'm not eligible for the prize since I'm judging although I wouldn't mind keeping one of the goody bags that are on offer. There are still a few zines available so email me (littlelixieathotmail.com) with your postal address and I'll send you a copy. Everyone else send me your photos and they'll be posted in this
album. Top three get the prizes.