My love of hexagon patchwork continues but I have been thinking heretical thoughts recently about it not being 'enough' just to stitch them together endlessly. Then I saw these:
(Click on mosaic for links to originals)
So cute and in fact they reminded me that I have seen this before (it may even be the same person). Essentially you trace hexagon shapes onto a sheet of fabric and embroider them using a hoop before cutting them out (since if you cut them out first they'd be too small to embroider). Isn't that sun adorable? I can think of all sorts of things to put in them.The embroidery transfer groups on Flickr (I belong to two) are another endless source of inspiration and these in particular caught my eye on Monday night.
(Click on mosaic for links to originals)
That top middle pin-up - I think it's best to assume that's a lipstick and the scale has gone a bit wrong. I do not do a lot of embroidery but I enjoy what I do and a lot of my collection could probably be adapted for those little hexagons. You can see my other favourites on this Pinterest Board.Then of course there is the patchwork.
(Click on mosaic for links to originals)
So divine. I am pretty sure I could keep myself entertained all day everyday making patchwork. There is something so socially acceptable about the schizophrenic way you cut up fabric only to reassemble it into something smaller than the original. More other lovelies on this Pinterest Board.I hope you enjoyed looking at these favourites! And beware of what I realise I have big problems with...Procraftinating.