Tuesday, 26 January 2010


Chez Byrne has an awesome new shower curtain.
Hard not to feel happy when you've seen that.

I've been knitting away on the same old radiation cardigan from Knitty. I started this in October but had to rip back after the yoke was too shallow. pattern says 6 inches but I found I needed 10.
I had a similar problem with my Henley Cardigan, which I just happen to be wearing now. Starting to think I just have mental shoulders. I've also made the sleeves long and bell shaped. It's the way I roll.

I've signed up for ihanna's postcard swap which should be pretty good. It's mixed media so anything goes. So far I've done a paper weave and printed some photos onto fabric and embroidered one. Even printing and embroidering fabric I tend towards one subject.
Sign ups are open til Feb 7th so hope along there to get involved.

I've been pondering my life over the last week since I've been asked to give the 2010 annual lecture to my old school's sixth form. The topic is my career, secrets of my success etc and it's all supposed to be motivational. There's a suggestion you should also include some pithy stuff about being a woman since it is a girls' school. In among all these thoughts I was reminded of a fragility of life when I heard Les from Silkwood had passed away last week. Les was such a lovely man. He taught himself to crochet and produced beautiful shawls amongst other things, all while wearing dazzling sets of braces. It became a running joke between us and I ended up calling him 'Braces'. I really wish I'd seen him and Tess recently - I think the last time was at IKnit last summer the day my back went south. Whenever it was he'll be remembered with love xx