Monday, 12 September 2011

Going on a Late Summer Holiday

After much effort I have shortlisted three sock patterns for holiday and wound two skeins into balls.
Orange and Pink Wool
The weather is slightly different to the current gales that seem to be buffeting my personal part of London.
So I will be back soon with tales from across the waters!

Going on a Late Summer Holiday

After much effort I have shortlisted three sock patterns for holiday and wound two skeins into balls.
Orange and Pink Wool
The weather is slightly different to the current gales that seem to be buffeting my personal part of London.
So I will be back soon with tales from across the waters.

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Bit of everything

I have baked.
Jam Doughnut Muffins
I have glued.
Daisy Button Earrings
I have sewn.
Snap frame purse
And I have put things in jars and then put a pin cushion on top plus some ribbon.
Sewing Sets
Been pretty active really.

I also went to an Elderly Lady Tea Party yesterday. I was advised it would be drinking gin from teacups but I'm more of a sherry woman myself. I haven't got a picture of what I was wearing but I did snap these three on the sofa.
Tea Party
Kind of gives you the idea. I freaking *adore* fancy dress parties but never seem to get invited to them so this was awesome.