Saturday, 8 June 2013


When I found out the Japan was possible I made a list of projects I wanted to finish before I left. I can now cross two more off that list.
Blanket Corner
Back in early September I had sewn the pieces together from a jelly roll. Today I got them out again and decided that instead of strips, I needed squares.

A little cutting and sewing and there you have it! I kept it really simple because I want it to be used and the fussier a quilt is that more in awe people seem to be of using it. I just used a simple cotton polka dot on the back. No quilting. All done. 
Patchwork Blanket
Before I sewed the pieces together I did take the opportunity to take the kind of photo I have admire on other blogs.
Illuminated Patchwork Quilt Top
Isn't that beautiful? I think unbacked patchwork would make a lovely alternative to a net curtain.

My other finish is a project where I wanted to make 'something' with the selvages I'd been hoarding. At the same time I started lining them up I found out...I am going to Tokyo on Tuesday! So I decided on a project bag. 
This is a close up of the back. There were a few fabrics where I used an inch or so of the pattern as well as the selvage and I'm really glad I did that with this spool fabric. 
Selvedge Detail
This side is not exactly centred. Ahem. 
Selvedge Frame Purse 2
The frame is a 6" or so one and I will add a wrist strap but I need to find the right thing to use. 

So yes - Tokyo on Tuesday! Only for a few days to see how it is and Pooch is coming too which I am very happy about. But what project to take with me? I am back on with Mum's lace shawl and now have the metres of edging to add. That might well be one which comes with me but I'm also wondering about a bit of sewing. Might be handy for if I wake up with jetlag but don't feel awake enough for lace knitting. 

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Quilty Deliberations

I am very lucky to have both sewing and knitting in my life. When I get stuck with one I can switch to the other. I am currently stuck on the patchwork front and so have picked up the shawl I was making for my Mum's birthday. In March. It's currently got over 600 stitches on each row so is leaving me an alarming amount of time to think about my patchwork problem. You see I have been collecting fabrics.
I have had them ready since February but I just can't make a decision about what to do with them. They do not speak to me.
Wouldn't it be nice…
Ne pas.

I have so many ideas. I think that is the problem. Goddamn Pinterest. Not really I love you. My current favourite is this: just doesn't seem right. Other times I think maybe spools.
Or should I let the fabrics speak for themselves and just go with something blockier?
Or...should I just find something else to make while I'm waiting for certainty to strike? I could make one of these.
I have a pile of selveges. But maybe more like this shape.
Oh I don't know. I do not seem to be in a decisive mood. Cue my favourite graffiti.
Cheshire Cat

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Say It With Flowers Bloghop - Welcome!

Many thanks to our hostess for organising this. Read on to see what I made of it and for a little giveaway!

I love seeing what people make on Flickr and noticed a group gearing up for a year of makes based around a gorgeous new(ish) book called Patchwork Please.
I also dug out some packs of 4" charm squares I got on ebay years ago in lots of flower prints. I made a baby quilt from them and always meant to do another but it sits in pieces as yet unfinished. I still had a lot left though. 
Flower Charm Squares
Sooooo, I allowed inspiration to dictate and with many a change of mind along the way I give you my new embroidery case. 
Front with button undone
I used the same linen as the cushion behind it - one I made for the Dresden bloghop. I followed all the measurements from the pattern in the book but changed a few details such as the square of felt which is supposed to be more of an actual needlebook. But it's not like I use a huge number of needles in embroidery so I kept it to just the one rectangle and sewed it down flat after pinking the edges. 
Inside in use
The front has hand appliqued petals on it. 
Front detail
Plus some really bad HST's! I used that technique when you sew two charm squares face-to-face all around the edge and then cut them into quarters. And starting with a 4" charm square you end up with very tiny HSTs! 

My other half and I are planning a move to japan for a year with his job. It means I am hugely destashing which includes rediscovering things. There are lots of bits and pieces I have stashed away waiting for a 'special project'. But now I have to get rid of so many things it is time to use or lose all of those things and it has led me to a revelation:
all projects are special
So when I came across this beautiful cermaic button my Mum gave me a few years ago I knew it was perfect and needed to be used. 
Button Closed
I am *really* happy with this project and yes, it will be coming to Japan with me!

And now for a giveaway! Leave a comment to be in with a chance of winning two 4" charm squares of each of the fabrics shown in that first photo - that's 34 squares for you to play with! You have until midnight UK time on 5th June to enter. And remember to leave your email address if you're a no-reply blogger. 

Now quick! Visit all my fellow quilters to see what special projects they have made for today's day on the bloghop.