Tragedy has struck, readers. It's not often I'll be doing this but feast your eyes on this pic of my lillywhite ass.

Yes, my beloved jeans are losing structural integrity and exposing my elements to the elements. I love these jeans. I have loved them ever since their first outing on the golden jubilee weekend. But now they are leaving me thread by thread. Once I have the new sewing machine in my paws I will begin a rearguard action but until then I'm getting a patchy tan.
Blocked Lucinda's scarf last night and is all dry and lovely today. It is mobair mohair boucle in these lovely pinky shades. When I first attended ally pally (a mere two ago) I came across the mobair stand early and astonished myself by spending a whopping £18 on a skein of about 200g. This was an unheard of expense at the time but this is the third scarf I have got form that skein so it has turned out a bargain.

Keen eyed observers will notice a hint of the clapotis about it as it is knitted on the diagonal with double spaced rows every 8 or so rows. The blocking has brought out the detail really nicely.
Not wishing to lie idle I have done the foot of Lucy's first sock. These aren't for her birthday but are just a general gift - a pair each for her and Louise when I go down there towards the end of April. If I was a nutter I'd say I'd do a pair for their boyfriends too but I think I'll see how that goes.

The yarn is celestial merino from Gill at the woolly workshop (host of the byrne-wedding-knitlist). This particular colour keeps almost hurting my eyes. I once looked at a green laser (not directly, that would make you blind) that you couldn't see properly because the colour was saturating the receptors in your eyes. BoyAlex was doing an experiment with it and did actually explain it to me in physics words but they're long gone now. Anyway. The pink in this wool has the same effect on me as that laser did. But then Pooch thinks Lucy will love it so I am carrying on.
As you may have gathered from the chatty feel to this post I have again spent the whole day at home with no one to talk to other than you guys. Spent about 3 hours sleeping this afternoon and has left me feeling really disorientated. Am fine really apart from the 40-a-day coughing fits and incessant snoozing. Apart from anything else I have now missed 4 days out of the office including tues in bristol and only had 3 days in next week as I have the rest of the prince 2 training on thurs and fri next week so there might actually be a little bit of work for me to catch up on when I go back. Also not having gone in today means still no sewing machine. Which leaves me mildly concerned. I've already been sitting here watching tv and knitting for three days. Can I really take another two without going a tad stir crazy? The paint-your-own-pottery place is calling to me....