I always seem to be catching up on this blog. Anyway..a quick run through life chez byrne in the last week or so. The regia silk socks have been worn and machine washed and are still as lovely and soft and vibrant as they first were.

And the bag crocheted on the flight to philadelphia has been lined and used and come through unscathed. It's actually a nice little thing although you wouldn't want to carry heavy stuff in it. The linen print would cope fine but the lining would detach in seconds.

These are the cute little antibiotics I was on (I wish I could photograph as well as Yarnstorm but nurts this will do)

And last in our catch up we haven't had any Pooch action on here for a while so here he is in the position he assumed for most of the weekend.

Poor little thing it turns out is not actually coping that well with me spending sunday cooped up in the spare room trying to understand what a market economy is. Actually this wasn't the whole reaosn I was in here because, and this is seriously exciting people, I created a database for my stash AND a separate one for patterns. For now I am truly the knitting geek I have always wanted to be. Loooookkk.....

Yes, I am aware that a proper geek would have done a screenshot but I had the camera to hand and...it's fine Ok? I made the questionable decision to ask Pooch for some help creating drop down menus and boy oh boy there's no doubt left in my mind now that this is not, never has been and never will be the 'right' way to do a database. In fact it should be referred to as a 'spreadsheet with a form' and I will regret not doing it the right way when I want to develop it further in times to come. Poor Pooch. I thnk it was nails on a blackboard to him seeing me just bodge together something that suited me and wasn't technical wizardry. But, people, how exciting? But, people, I have too much yarn. And no idea what to do with most of it. But I feel sure something will occur to me. I will now be able to carry this file around with me on my PDA and whenever I feel tempted to buy can see what else I have already that is similar or what pattern would be suitable for what I want to uy and therefore buy the right amount. Will this actually change my buying habits? Hell, no, I shouldn't think so. But guys, all my stash is listed on a little screen and its going to hae pictures and just how cute is that?
One of the things I have to report diminishing quantities of is this gelato stuff I got in Chestnut Hill.

I am makinga summer top from the summer tweed pattern book. It's going pretty quickly and despite an initial doubt I am liking the way it knits up. Should be nice and cool if the weather ever gets any warmer round here or it stops raining for 2 minutes.
So it looks like my new friend from Philadelphia is going to be back in London around my birthday at the beginning of July. This took some conniving but was good fun as MateTom and BusinessTom and I were exchanging emails to different accounts depending on which one was emailing who and so it was the kind of stupid thing that makes me laugh. The client strongly requested Tom be the one to come over and do the training after 'developing such a good rapport with our staff' during the last session. Can you believe there is a world cup game on my birthday so I am told by Pooch any celebrations are going to have to fit in around that. That is why I am pleased Tom will be here so I can go out and do something without being tied to a discussion of referee eyesight tests. Plus Tom is american so is bound to understand the whole independance day thing that I seem to have become so strangely obsessed by. There must be american pubs in london. I mean, there's a canadian one (hwek {spitting noise, in case this was somehow not clear}) so there must be american ones. I will find one, no fear.
Actually I feel quite bad about something I emailed Tom the other day. You know when you meet someone and you get on with them well but you don't really know them that well? I forgot we hadn't been mates for years and started on my little bandwagon about how too much stuff that I perceive as boring is bad for you and paranoicly, leads to madness. I really need to get over projecting my life onto other people. Talk about big headed apart from anything else. I sent an apology today so will see what he thinks after the weekend.
Lastly, Pooch was looking at flats today and noticed the one inside the wharf we look out over is for rent in two months time for the same money as ours. We are on 2 months notice and like the area so that would work out pretty darn nicely really. It's also being rented by the company who are selling this place and so we might be able to do some nice little deal. They are complete bastards but then I have only ever met one estate agent who wasn't so at least there's no doubt up front that they will screw us over if they get the chance.
Early night for me tonight as I'm back to feeling tired all the time again. Sean has another project for me to do with negotiating a peaceful resolution to a mexican stand off when I get in on Monday so need to be nice and bright. Sleep well everyone xx
Ooo oo before I forget has everyone been to
Woolly Wormhead's shop? I bought two of her patterns the other day and bought one of her hats (the hex hat - so so cool) on the Haworth trip. Mucho recommendations.