Friday, 7 December 2012

Christmas Presents!

Since NoMoBloPo finished I've occasionally missed writing daily but it was pretty time consuming. And time is something lacking at this time of year...because it is Christmas!! First presents have been wrapped and flown the nest.
Wrapped Christmas Parcels
I love this style of wrapping. It's the most trouble I've ever taken but it does make them look sweet even before you see what's inside. Some of them have secrets inside but others I can share. There are a few embroidered objects...
Embroidered Bus
(The blue ink is the vanishing pen that I need to get wet to vanish properly.) And maybe some insanely zany socks.
Orange Aztec Socks
I don't know very much about the recipient but I understand he is not insanely zany so I keep sniggering when I imagine the look on his face when he sees them for the first time.

I've also been grafting away on my accessories for sister Siany's wedding on Monday. She's so clever. An 11% payrise despite being 5 months preggers. They clearly want to ensure she comes back because she's so good at it. This is the belt I'll be wearing.
Button Belt
Don't ask how long it took to sew on all those fecking buttons. Base is some puce slightly elasticated lace designed for extremely sturdy underwear. I will of course be wearing a dress and not my polka dot pyjamas. I used poppers as the closure and they've worked pretty well.
Button Belt Poppers
The fascinator is ghastly. A wash out. Absurd. Don't talk to me about it. It never happened. It's probably a judgement for daring to suggest yarn bombing isn't an act undertaken by the highest among us through which we can understand their mightyness. So moving on let's talk about ice.
Square and Hexagon Ice
I found this on the inside of the lid of some tupperware while having a freezer clear out (that's how I roll). I've always been interested in ice since being told, as all children are, that no two snowflakes are ever alike. I suspect it's often a child's first introduction to the concept of infinity. I was already interested in how things worked when I found that out so it didn't start my interest in science but it definitely fanned the flames. A colleague in my first job after Uni had done her PhD in ice. I've never been interested in the details of chemistry but any physicist would proudly claim crystal structures as Solid State Physics and tell the Chemists to go back to their stuff in glass tubes. If this interests you the Wikipedia page is brief but good on the subject. Meanwhile, wasn't my tupperware pretty?
Square and Hexagon Ice
I wish I could have kept it.

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Anniversary Present

It's actually the anniversary of my divorce coming through today. Things between Pooch and I are going well so I'm not inclined to celebrate it. But in others news, my parents have been married for 20 years! This is Mumsy and Dad2, Rob. I started planning this cross stitch about 18 months ago so it won't surprise anyone that I only just finished it in time.
Cross Stitch Finished
It is about 10" across and on 18ct white aida. Various dmc cottons used throughout with 2 strands out of the 6 used except for occasional outlining done just with 1 strand. Each of the items was chosen for a reason and it roughly corresponds to the 4 seasons, starting with spring bottom left and going clockwise.

This is me (on the left) and Sian (she who will be married next week and who has gotten me off the hook by having a baby, due next year). In the middle is Artemis, the mighty hunter and chicken fearer.
Cross Stitch Sian Lixie and Cat
Then the fear inducing chickens, or at least, one chicken.
Cross Stitch Chicken
I was rather proud of this. Brown on the left and then one strand of brown and cream in the middle, then just cream on the right. Then books.
Cross Stitch books
Mater is known for her immense weekend breakfasts.
Cross Stitch Fry Up
A few home grown veg. Variegated green used on cabbage thing.
Cross Stitch Vegetables
Rob is a big steam fan.
Cross Stitch Train
It was little mum who started me off knitting and sewing so I wanted to include a sewing machine.
Cross Stitch Sewing Machine
I'm not saying they drink a lot, but there are many occasions which are celebrated with a bottle of something bubbly.
Cross Stitch Champagne and Glasses
Mumsy is also renowned for her christmas puddings which represent 50% proof cannon balls of yum.
Cross Stitch Christmas Pudding and Holly

So there you have it. Sian helped me with the design and the rest is history.