It's cheap bamboo yarn. I have not seen any myself (although if I do ever make it to issue 3 of my zine I can guess what might be the sample yarn that goes with it) but I hear reports it is 'yummy'. I can't link direct as Dianne's Knitting Yarns doesn't let you but the link to their shop is in the sidebar and their service is always very good.
So there has been yet more knitting with much progress on the hexhat from the last knitty. Here is one little heaxagon. Only about 7 more to go!
I also made a small investment in some sock yarn on ebay from a seller called the Wool Baa. Very good service and good price too. 100g regia silk (lost the ball band but still) for about £5 when I think it's normally about £8 for 50g. I'm not mad keen on the colour so I can see some koolaid acting as an overdye but I have a pair I knitted from this already and they are sooooo comfy so i don't mind that. I've just cast on a pair in the one on the left and it looks very nice.
The buttons are because, dear readers, I have started slimfast. You know the one. "A shake for breakfast, a shake for lunch and then your normal healthy dinner. I too had scoffed at all this in my younger, thinner days but I tried my first milkshake on weds and..... it was really nice! Obviously chocolate flavoured it was like mcdonald's choc milkshakes used to taste like when I was a girl. (Cue violins, right?) So the buttons were part of my 'usual healthy dinner' last night. It's all going to go rather to pot this weekend when I visit my mum but still, I'm pleased to have got started.
So as the last paragraph hinted I'm away this weekend. Hope everyone has a good one and gets lots of knitting.
OK, before I go I have to admit I bought three skeins of socks that rock sockyarn as well!!! I couldn't help myself.
OK, and I bought a clippykit bag to show off my ATCs in. Just got paid. I couldn't help myself.
OK, and I just forgot I finished my red top. here is a really bad photo of me wearing it over my snazzy pyjamas.
Now I really must go before I confess anything else!