I've scored big time. Check this out. In fact I am in a deilemma about what order to put these pictures in but here goes.
You see my parcel from my secret pal was picked up this morning. It was huge. Massive. A great big box. First tick box checked!
I have never actually bought Interweave crochet but now NOW I am so taking out a subscription. The designs are really tres lovely as I'll be going on about ad nauseum in a minute. There is also a pack of notelets in lime and pink, a lovelt card with a ladybird on plus the most beautiful pen. Here is a close up of it against my dress. You see? Fated. Let's gloss over the fact I never iron and move on....
Then here is this beautiful notebook with 3 sections all different colours and some rather fab choccies of which about half have made it this far through the day.
And then just when I thought it couldn't get any better, check out what was at the bottom of the box..... (the cereal, not the Pooch - I include him for scale and also because someone said they couldn't imagine him with a shaved head. It's grown a bit now but here he is - and rather more of him than one usually finds on the internet)....
I cheekily asked whether she could find a small pack to send me as they are just SO expensive over here - about £8 a box!!! These are just the best thngs although I'm guessing they're not the healthiest. But boy oh boy.....Guess what I'm having for dinner... Mmmmmmmmmm.
Interweave crochet is jammed with gorgeous designs and this is the one that particularly caught my eye.

There was a knitted versin on the cover of Vogue Knitting about a year ago but it used SO much yarn and you had to start on dpns. This one has all the style but much less substance so I could wear it straight away and also finish it quicker. Just debating with myself which yarn to use. Cotton, obviously, but colours? Mercerised would be best. Hmmmmmm.
This one says it is really quick to do and I could do with a little cover thing for when the mornings or evenings are a little chillier than the midday sun.
This one caught my eye as it combines knitting and crochet although the crochet is pretty advanced so I might leave that til I get a bit better.
And this is a little something for when it gets cooler as I'll want to do it in wool. It says it is inspired by Kaffe Fasset which you can see pretty clearly. I'm even thinking of doing a first and using the actual yarn it talks about as the colours seem perfect to me.
Many of you will have seen
Woolly Wormhead's latest creation which I just ADORE. Seriously. I've gone gooey over this one. As soon as I got home I tried a spiral with some scrap yarn (james C brett marble in case anyone wants to know).
That seemed to go pretty well so without further ad or planning I got out the two balls of Japanese Diakeito Diadomena which I got from Philadelphia. I know it's a bit unfair to compare yarns just because they are made in the same country but Noro? Norwhat? Forget it - put it on ebay and let all the suckers knit with it. This is the goods. There are no sudden colour changes and I only had one knot in the first ball.
I have got about twice as many as this now so will start tentatively structuring it later on. This will take some pins and more patience but I do love WW's so it will be worth the effort. It has also broken me out of the yarn doldums I was in. Let me just mention once again that she rocks and you can find some patterns to buy
here as well as some freebies!
I have managed this spurt of creativity despite waking up with a splitting headache at 5am. I dozed a bit between then and 7 when Pooch fed me painkillers and orange squash. Sorted me until he added a bacon sandwich to finish the pain off. Have been trying to nap but is about 40 degrees and humid so have given up. Have decided to make meringues later on (thought they'd go nicely with my applejacks!) so it looks as if it might be another weekend of baking.
The move to the flat downstairs is now all confirmed and the holding deposit paid. I even brought some boxes home from work yesterday. The move will probably happen on the 30th....of this month! Slightly short notice but will be good to get settled somewhere a little more permanent. Means my ebay account will geta full workout and the charity shop doorbell will br ringing out if I can't shift things as I am overdue a clearout. I'll keep you informed about any yarny bargains that come along. I know there will be some Calmer and maybe one or two others. I think it's 4 balls of black and 2 of very dark grey - charcoal - so email me if you're interested. £1 a ball including postage maybe? Or make me an offer.