Thursday, 13 July 2006

Favourite quote

There is a guns and roses song called 'civil war' from which comes my favourite ever quote. I know, but it just is. As well as the words there is the inflection in the voice when it is said. Ready?

"What we have here is a failure to communicate."

It doesn't quite have the same impact written like that, but it does yet again seem to apply. I have been discriminated against. There has been a general misunderstanding. People meant well but assumed wrongly. Because you see..

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Lots of the people around me thought my dissatisfaction with my relationship and the resulting troubles were because I was getting depressed again. But no one came out and said this to me, apart from Pooch. It just turns out that when I've checked they mostly say "Yeah, well, I did assume that but if you're not then that's great" or something similar.
Just because you had cancer doesn't mean that the only reason your hair falls out is because you're having chemo. People go bald the same as 'normal' people get annoyed.
Anyway, normal service will be resumed soon, as soon as I find my camera.

Friday, 7 July 2006

I think I'm going to be away for a while

  1. As you all will have noticed Pooch and I haven't been getting on too well.
  2. We have talked about it and both think it is mainly down to the other person.
  3. I am moving out for a month to a friend's house in Tottenham Hale to see how things go.
  4. I still can't find my camera.

Many thanks for the birthday bits and e-cards you sent on Tuesday. I had a nice birthday, all things considered.

Secret Pal - I'll stay in touch via email.

I might be back in a week or a month, I'll see how it goes. Until then...

Monday, 3 July 2006

service is temporarily unavailable

Just moved house so everything is a mess and I can't find my camera and no internet and....

...let us all use the word 'Scorchio' as much as possible...

We hope to resume normal service soon.

Tuesday, 27 June 2006

Hello. My name is Alex. And I am moody.

Having a few of the old mood swings today. Because the thing is you see I decided, rather rashly, to cut another pill last Tuesday and this is the second tuesday and so I have a headache and am waking up early and am having mood swings. Ugh. This morning was great because I went out shopping for my SP to the bead shop in covent garden. Before that I had a look around Mistress, the most fabulous shoe shop and genuinely couldn't find anything I wanted to buy!!! I was wondering around soho, looking for knitting books in the second hand stores, found a funky stationary shop, had a malt shake and hotdog at Ed's (People - go to Ed's and have a malt shake. Vanilla allows you to experience the sheer bravardo of it to full-effect but they do other flavours too). Anyway. Was doing all this and found myself fricking smiling. Yeah, I know. Smiling in London? I must have looked like such a tourist.
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So anyway, there I was walking around enjoying myself like a demented chipmunk or something. And I got to the supermarket on the way home and I put my key in the door lock and kabooooooooom. One peeved person. Ahhh, don't you just love that website?

So anyway. The person I am most annoyed wih is Pooch, and for a reason even I know is a bit tenuous. You see Mr Pooch and I have created a little relationship history recently in that the relationship almost became history. It went a bit like this...
  • Beer
  • Football
  • Football
  • Football
  • Football
  • Unanswered texts
  • Beer
  • Football
  • Arrival home
  • Hello
  • Football
  • Disatisfaction
  • Argument
  • Lots of definitive statements
  • End of relationship and idea that we are moving into a new flat together on Friday.
Now by Monday afternoon it was agreed that this was not the way forward and lots more statements were made. Some of them concerned patronisation. And now he has sent me an email which, even though he goes to great lengths to indicate he is not being patronising but just asking, is patronising. (To me, at this moment.)

Anyway. Shut up Byrne.

My camera has gone awol so I want you to imagine there is a finished pair of socks here in 'beach' from here. Plus also imagine a few more rounds on the never ending tablecloth cardi. I'm thinking of dyeing it blue. Blue and dark brown. Mmmmmm. Nice. Speaking of nice colours (and I actually mean attractive colours not the crap I come up with) look at socks that rock. Banded and moss agate, plymouth rock, sandstone, yeah baby yeah. In fact basically all of them. The pill cut down has wiped out my short term memory again. Was it Helen who introduced me to these? I think she got some from her SP and says it rivals cherry tree hill which would be a bonus as I have grown to hate cherry tree hill for being lovely yet so useless at retaining colour. I hear Get Knitted are to stock it later this year so will be watching with interest.

I am going to wrap up all the little bits I've got for my SP ready to send them off tomorrow which should cheer me up. And then maybe I'll start the fairisle socks I've been thinking about. I think I've just been reading too many fairisler's blogs recently though. It's not like I actually enjoy fairisle.

PS: I just realised it was Soap Fibre Girl who told me about Socks that Rock and she's just posted about her stash of sock yarn. Now that is impressive!!

PPS: What do you think of the new avatar? They didn't have any one-doughnut-too-many-bodies which is why it looks like you could use my legs to knit 4-ply.

Sunday, 25 June 2006

Rather a trying day

Let us forget about reality and sink into the fantasy of creation for a while. The cardi progresses.
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It takes so bloody long to do a round now but it should be finished this week. I'm really not at all sure about the colours though. When is the Byrne going to learn to go with her instincts? It does look like a 70s tablecloth.

I did some swatches for the felted bag and these are dry. I can't quite decide which to go with. This is the 'front'
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and the 'back'.
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I think I prefer the back with the 12mm hook and the front with the 9mm. (9mm is on the left in each photo.)

I was out a fair bit today and at one point was in Putney. I found the new yarn shop which is of course open Tues-Sat only. It looked quite nice from the outside though. On the other side of the road was this:
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Made me smile in an otherwise whit free day.

And then finally, this is what I saw when I looked out of the window last night.
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He (or possibly she) sat on top of the car for ages having a wash and brush up while people and cats lived their lives on the other side of the carpark. The foxes here just aren't phased by people at all unless you approach them directly and get to within about a metre.

  • Saturday: 6 hours
  • Sunday: 1 hour with the football on in the background either on radio or tv or for a memorable while, both.

Saturday, 24 June 2006

A little piece of beauty

I love beautiful things. This may sound a bit 'dur' but I just love looking at them. I class a lot of wool and yarn as beautiful which I guess is why I have so much stashed away and sometimes just get some out to look at it. Um, yeah, anyway. One thing that is definitely beautiful is Cloisonne by Kaffe Fasset. The first six fabrics on this page are it in different colour combinations (they stock most of his fabrics - I've used them before and the service was pretty good). It is 'moss' that I am currently loving. I found some more crochet hooks the other day and found the pouch I bought in Philadelphia wasn't big enough for my collection. So obviously I needed a new one and I set to it straight away. This is what I have ended up with:
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This is it folded in three. I haven't added a fastener yet as I'm not sure what to use. This is it unfolded.

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You see, I even managed to get my beloved polka dots in there too! It is the cover though that I really love.

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Isn't it just divine? I kept looking at the flowers and thinking they looked like jewels so I decided to accentuate that with beads. It's been ages since I embroidered with beads so I combined it with some quilting (I am still thinking about the Amish quilts I saw in the US and also the needle holder I made my SP recently. Actually I never posted a pic of that so more of that in a min.)

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This is a detail of some beads. I just love looking at all the colours and feeling the texture caused by the beads and the quilting. It's one of those things where I do not care what anyone else thinks - I just think it's beautiful.

I said I did one for my pal and she's had it a few weeks now. I'm not on the list of people she reads so I think it's safe to post a few pics here. I did the same kind of thing with the outside except no beads.

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This is a different Kaffe fabric from the Cotton Patch website (she prefers softer colours so would probably hate the one I've made myself!). Plus a bit of Louise Harding sari ribbon to tie it up. It was the inside I particularly liked on this one.

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I embroidered the american needle sizes on the inside. This one is for circs so the loops are open at both ends.

Anyway. Because of this I haven't done much more on the cardi and I actually haven't done any knitting all week! This is where we were two days ago:
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I had just done the armholes so decided to give it a whirl. I'm really not sure about the colours. But I've started so I'll finish.... The Pooch (this is him in a typical pose)...
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... has just informed me that up til now he thought it was a tablecloth. This is despite me waving the picture of the girl wearing it under his nose every 5 seconds. Tsk. He has actually just done rather well this morning by joining me in a trip to drop off charity shop things to Lewisham followed by a trawl round the shops. He slightly blotted his copybook by buying me a doughnut, only for me to find it had the england flag in icing on it, but then it was a doughnut so no harm done really.

To keep things up to date I need to finish with,
  • Tuesday: 0 hours
  • Wednesday: 4 hours (was off work ill for these two days)
  • Thursday: 5 hours
  • Friday: 0 hours

Wednesday, 21 June 2006

Just me and my flies

My cold got worse yesterday and turned into another migrane so I came home early, regaining consciousness briefly between 8 and 10pm. Why the hell couldn't I sleep through that pitiful time as well? I had the window open because of the heat and all I could hear was 'ooooo' and 'ahhhhh' and 'goal' although that last one didn't happen often. Have spent today plugged into the beanbag. And this is where the flies come in.

There are flies, circling about a 40cm cube of air in the middle of this room. Or rather there were flies. About 5 of them. I say about as they are hard to count as they won't keep still. There are people out there who would be able to tell you why they occupy this small airspace so rigidly so I won't theorize here. At about 3 I was in the beanbag, as you do, dropping off in front of perry mason (this was one of those zen episodes of perry mason where perry himself does not actually appear). An hour later I stirred once more and there were no flies. Do you see where I'm going with this? How likely is it that all (approximately) 5 flies flew out of their airspace and into my mouth while I was zizzing?

It's all quite worrying. So to take my mind off that I have graphed Pooch's attendance record.
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But I found I really wasn't happy with this graph.

Three years....three years studying physics and all I have left are my drawing-a-graph-in-excel-skills and this is the best I can do? Oh no no no! So I had a fiddle.
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Just to keep my hand in I frogged and then did a bit more of the crochet cardi. It's looking rather impressive now though I say so myself. I also finished the hat AND did a couple of swatches to felt for the bag made out of the stuff my SP sent me. The hat is not quite the thing of beauty that Ruth produced as it looks more giant's causeway than pixie but I am still pretty chuffed with it. There would have been a picture but La Pooch has nicked off with the batteries again. That boy....

Monday, 19 June 2006

How have I contained my excitement this long?

I felt I had to put that rubbish about meringues first before being able to do justice to..... my second secret pal parcel! I am so spoiled! Such an amazing mix of colours too. Plus I really think my pal is trying to completely convert me to crochet.

Feast your eyes...
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A crochet scarves book and another wicked crochet mag. I have only had a quick flick through these but this one immediately caught my eye:
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Pooch does rather love his argyle patterns (they make him feel closer to the golf he feels he ought to play).

Then there is a gorgeous pink t-shirt.
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I am a bit confused here though SP. B is for Byrne - sorted. Plus it says "soft as a grape" under the B which strikes me as particularly random and wonderful. But it also says it is official baseball wear and I am ashamed to say I just don't know which team it refers to. Should I know this? Am I just embarrassing myself?

And as if all this wasn't enough, look at this amazing stuff....
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It is every different colour you can think of felts! AND she sent me a hat and bag pattern with it and there is enough to make either. So now I am in a conundrum. Or I have one. I'm not sure right now how to use the word and I'm too excited to care. Do I frog the crochet cardi and go with the bag? Or frog the cardi and then redo it. Or stop starting other projects when I've already got about 20 on the go and finish the hat? I need guidance here folks - help me out.

On the Pooch front I have to revise Thursday to one full hour because I forgot we had lunch. So that is...
  • Thursday (revised): 1 hour
  • Sunday: 5 hours (I was tricked into eating there in the evening which is undoubtedly where the crochet went wrong)
  • Monday (today): 0.1 hour.

That's right peeps...Pooch popped in for a quick 6 mins (I timed it so this tally could retain statistical validity) after I got back from work during half time of the 5pm game.

Poo - half an hour more cursed tidying before slumping in front of the really appalling yet addictive Rosemary and Thyme on TV. Such hammy acting although I always end up feeling sorry for Pam Ferris. At leat she pretends to be doing it a bit seriously where as that woman from that 70s thing about the self-sufficient people living next door to Margo and Jerry just mucks about being totally over the top all the time.

Um. I just critiqued Rosemary & Thyme? Wow. I really am willing to do anything to avoid the tidying. That's the problem with moving. You can't move a mess - you have to at least put it in a box first.


First the good bit: Who says I can't cook? When it comes to puddings I am unrivalled. I got a sudden urge for meringues this evening and found some suitable eggs. They're in the oven as I type!
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Now the bad news: I have got this far with the crochet cardi I wasn't going to start til I'd finished the hat.
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Thing is, it all started going wrong about round 4 and by this point I have 21 loops instead of 20. Peeps, I'm going to have to frog it. But, BUT it just goes to show. At least I know I can read a crochet pattern even if I'm not too good at the execution.

Sunday, 18 June 2006

Warning, hat in progress

Why get up to look in a mirror when you've got a camera next to you on the sofa?
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Pooch says it is my finest creation yet and I have to say I am rather pleased with it. I might finish it tonight although it's not exactly the weather for it. I love the design though and plan to have many more crochet spirals featuring in my future.

I know I said I would leave the squares afghan til the winter but... BUT. You see I've had £50 in my paypal account for a week and decided I would save it for woolfest but now of course I can't go and Tom is coming over next weekend and kind of seemed like a little splurge at was in order. I bought the wool I'll need for the afghan - about 21 balls for about £30! The exchange rate just makes it madness to buy in the UK even if you do get stuck with the import tax. I know this is extremely disloyal and unpatriotic but there are still some things I *need* from the UK (Silkwood sock yarn I think...).

Breakfast this morning was a joy. None of that health nonsense about food colouring. Nobody does cerial quite like the americans. Look at these colours...
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I am behind with my hour logging so here goes for the rest of this week:
  • Thursday: 0.5 hours
  • Friday: 0 hours
  • Saturday: 7 hours (I went to Joe's for lunch and stayed crocheting my spirals for the first half of the 2pm game until I ran out of wool)
It's Sian's birthday next weekend so have been busily filling a box with goodies for her. When we were little Mum used something called "the good little pogie's prize" as a good conduct award for the week and it was always a higgledymix of little things rather than one big thing. I LOVE presents like that where there are lots of mini thngs and have always got Freddie ones like that. This one for Sian is like that too so I hope she likes it (and I know she's been reading this recently so am cunningly building up a bit of pre-birthday excitement!).

Saturday, 17 June 2006

Goal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Loads of photos)

I've scored big time. Check this out. In fact I am in a deilemma about what order to put these pictures in but here goes.

You see my parcel from my secret pal was picked up this morning. It was huge. Massive. A great big box. First tick box checked!
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I have never actually bought Interweave crochet but now NOW I am so taking out a subscription. The designs are really tres lovely as I'll be going on about ad nauseum in a minute. There is also a pack of notelets in lime and pink, a lovelt card with a ladybird on plus the most beautiful pen. Here is a close up of it against my dress. You see? Fated. Let's gloss over the fact I never iron and move on....
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Then here is this beautiful notebook with 3 sections all different colours and some rather fab choccies of which about half have made it this far through the day.
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And then just when I thought it couldn't get any better, check out what was at the bottom of the box..... (the cereal, not the Pooch - I include him for scale and also because someone said they couldn't imagine him with a shaved head. It's grown a bit now but here he is - and rather more of him than one usually finds on the internet)....
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I cheekily asked whether she could find a small pack to send me as they are just SO expensive over here - about £8 a box!!! These are just the best thngs although I'm guessing they're not the healthiest. But boy oh boy.....Guess what I'm having for dinner... Mmmmmmmmmm.

Interweave crochet is jammed with gorgeous designs and this is the one that particularly caught my eye.
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There was a knitted versin on the cover of Vogue Knitting about a year ago but it used SO much yarn and you had to start on dpns. This one has all the style but much less substance so I could wear it straight away and also finish it quicker. Just debating with myself which yarn to use. Cotton, obviously, but colours? Mercerised would be best. Hmmmmmm.

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This one says it is really quick to do and I could do with a little cover thing for when the mornings or evenings are a little chillier than the midday sun.

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This one caught my eye as it combines knitting and crochet although the crochet is pretty advanced so I might leave that til I get a bit better.

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And this is a little something for when it gets cooler as I'll want to do it in wool. It says it is inspired by Kaffe Fasset which you can see pretty clearly. I'm even thinking of doing a first and using the actual yarn it talks about as the colours seem perfect to me.

Many of you will have seen Woolly Wormhead's latest creation which I just ADORE. Seriously. I've gone gooey over this one. As soon as I got home I tried a spiral with some scrap yarn (james C brett marble in case anyone wants to know).
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That seemed to go pretty well so without further ad or planning I got out the two balls of Japanese Diakeito Diadomena which I got from Philadelphia. I know it's a bit unfair to compare yarns just because they are made in the same country but Noro? Norwhat? Forget it - put it on ebay and let all the suckers knit with it. This is the goods. There are no sudden colour changes and I only had one knot in the first ball.
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I have got about twice as many as this now so will start tentatively structuring it later on. This will take some pins and more patience but I do love WW's so it will be worth the effort. It has also broken me out of the yarn doldums I was in. Let me just mention once again that she rocks and you can find some patterns to buy here as well as some freebies!

I have managed this spurt of creativity despite waking up with a splitting headache at 5am. I dozed a bit between then and 7 when Pooch fed me painkillers and orange squash. Sorted me until he added a bacon sandwich to finish the pain off. Have been trying to nap but is about 40 degrees and humid so have given up. Have decided to make meringues later on (thought they'd go nicely with my applejacks!) so it looks as if it might be another weekend of baking.

The move to the flat downstairs is now all confirmed and the holding deposit paid. I even brought some boxes home from work yesterday. The move will probably happen on the 30th....of this month! Slightly short notice but will be good to get settled somewhere a little more permanent. Means my ebay account will geta full workout and the charity shop doorbell will br ringing out if I can't shift things as I am overdue a clearout. I'll keep you informed about any yarny bargains that come along. I know there will be some Calmer and maybe one or two others. I think it's 4 balls of black and 2 of very dark grey - charcoal - so email me if you're interested. £1 a ball including postage maybe? Or make me an offer.

Wednesday, 14 June 2006

What a difference a day makes

Someone asked me what had happened to Monday on my previous list. I apper to have lost a day but I'm not complaining as it means its one day closer to the weekend.

So for completeness....
Monday: 0.25 hours
Wednesday: 1 hour

Glad we got that sorted. Pooch and I have a lunch date today and then at 5.30 I am viewing the flat downstairs. Apparently there is some football game on at the time but who cares about that. You see the landlady finally gave us notice and it turns out the flat downstairs is free from the end of the month. That really could be the easiest move ever.

Finally returned to NWKnitters last night in Golders Green. Was lovely to see everyone and what they were working on. Jane was working on a shawl in an amazing green yarn and I forgot to ask what it was. It was a pattern from Scarf Style. It made me remember Angelina. I bought the pattern quite a while ago but going back to the site now she has added some gorgeous things so i think it deserves another visit. I'm just not sure if its a tiny bit girly for me though.

I WILL have my camera back this evening to a slightly more interesting post is in the offing. Oh and finally everyone seems to have been to the opening of this new knitting shop in Putney. Stash looks rather fab and Nickerjac is teaching there which has to be a ringing endorsement. It is my official birthday on 4th July so maybe just maybe I'll take a trip out there around then for a few birthday treats!

Tuesday, 13 June 2006


Friday: 0.5 hours
Saturday: 5 hours
Sunday: 7 hours
Today: 0 hours

There's a number of things to be explained here....
  1. The wedding is off, but the engagement is still on.
  2. The MBA is deferred for 6-12 months.
  3. I've got heat rash on one side of my neck only. (The left - my left - does this signify anything? I know if you have hot ears it means someone is talking about you and I have always assumed if you have one hot ear, the left for example - your own left - that means the person talking about you must be stage left somewhere.)
  4. The table above is the number of hours Pooch and I have spent together on each day that is not sleeping or getting-ready-for-work-time. I will be tracking progress and quite possibly using the residual skills from my degree to draw a graph in excel.
  5. I have rejoined UKHandKnitters.
So anyway...

My secret pal tells me there is a parcel in the offing which is tres exciting! I have been really enjoying spoiling mine who has had a minor and major parcel from me and loved both of them. Next is a postcard as in interim - wool related naturally! I'm going to see if I see anything for her from woolfest. I got a few bits with sheep on last time I visited mum.

I was going to represent the list above in photo montage but Pooch has nicked my camera. Sod.

My major problem at the moment is that I am out of knitting inspiration so I am looking to you lot to inspire me. I just can't settle to anything. Maybe it's the heat but nothing appeals. So all suggestions gratefully received. It doesn't have to be knitting necessarily but just something to do in the evenings that I will enjoy and find interesting. Best suggestion will be rewarded with some postcards from my current ebay selection!

Friday, 9 June 2006

One of those "you don't want to know" things

Don't ask me nuffin about nuffin.

Littlelixie is selling her usual slightly weird selection of knitting. spinning and fibre accessories and stationary essentials over at ebay at the moment. FREE POSTAGE for UK buyers if you spend over £5. Am trying to get a button sorted so I can have a cool shop like woolly wormhead.

Wednesday, 7 June 2006

Fame by Proxy

The Guardian are featuring my 'just say no' icon by proxy. Have a look at this article and click on the last link that takes you to Daisy Chain's blog.

I'm just beyond pissed off with it all now. Don't get me started....

Tuesday, 6 June 2006

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me, bloggers.

I was looking for the proper version of this quote when I found this website. I seem to have spent a large proportion of today randomly talking about religion. But that's not an interesting part of today. Let's skip that.

Let us examine the reason for my being in a personal hell. Exhibit A.

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The World Cup has landed chez byrne. I have been absent for some time as Pooch and I had a small, tiny, barely worth mentioning altercation on Thursday prompted by that very topic that necessitated me departing for mother's on friday evening. Then I got ill with some weird trembling, shaking thing and couldn't stand up on sunday so ended up being there til yesterday evening. Pooch has just informed me the shaking was a Pooch-withdrawal symptom. Yes, you guessed right, the wedding is still on, this week.

I guess I am feeling a bit miserable today because the true extent of Pooch's desertion has become apparent as we went through the timetable of games last night. Hmmmmmm. Let us not dwell on that.

Not much knitting been going on recently. Do you know what, I'm nackered. God what an awful post, sorry peeps. It seemed to start so well too. I might reuse that title another time.

Tuesday, 30 May 2006


It's gone pretty damn quiet out there in knit/blog world. Loads of bloggers aren't updating more than once every 10 days (Ok, I know I do that too) and I typed 'woolfest' into UKHandKnitters archive and there had been no discussion about it in the last month. All very odd.

Speaking of odd. Aha. I think I might have got promoted today. It was all very weird. I got i and sean and I had a bit of a disagreement about how I'd done something and whether it should have been done at all. Then half an hour later he asked me if I had 15 mins for a private chat. I thought I was up for a proper bollocking which was a little galling as I don't think that has happened since John made me manager and I tried to refuse to go on the outlook training. Must be about 3 years ago. Anyway, I gathered pen and paper and walked into the meeting room to find sean glowering in a chair in the corner. I sat down and he said "I've been thinking about your job satisfaction..." and I'm thinking - oh great, it's going to go all sarcastic - when he started going on about how he wanted me to be a kind of number two (in a good way) to him. It seems at M&S where he used to work such people were called PAs and were ranked between senior managers and directors. (In case anyone reading is also confused PAs in the english/normal sense are basically secretaries.) So he came out with all this stuff about how I'd be going to loads of meetings with him and do loads of operational stuff and see the real depravity of top-level office politics and when I spoke people would know I was speaking for him and all this. Plus that it would probably bring me in for a load of flack for being perceived as teacher's pet. Pah, I say to that. Let us not forget I was the first person in the Institute's history (from 1870 something or something) to actually fire someone. Don't talk to me about flack. The staff association holds no terrors for me. Oh no.

So yes. It seems I will probably get some more money but we're in the middle of a job review at the moment so my job was going to get upgraded anyway. There's no need for a title change although I can if I want to. Nothing will be announced. I'll just suddenly be more in people's faces, which I just know they'll love.

In knitting news I've been spinning the multi-red-dyed fleece I got from wingham in Feb. I'm drop spindling and have done all of ooooooooo maybe 15g. I was aiming for DK but on average I'd say it was 4-ply with motions into laceweight and aran. Apprentice spinners will be able to comiserate. I think I have about 50g of it all together so need to think of something to do with it after I'm done. I'm just setting the twist on the first spindle full so I should be able to knit up a sample tomorrow when it's dry. Have almost done the back of the summer top so that should be finished at the weekend.

In MBA news I have started my first assignment and it's bloody hard. Let's not talk about that.

Why am I blogging so late? (for me!) Yes, it's Pooch. It is of course an england warm up game today and he has yet to descend back into my warm, fluffy evening. I mean to say, look at this. Ladies and gents, allow me to introduce you to pooch and his unwholesome work. He's still editing this first post but hey, if you want to waste a month rolling round london with a bunch of friends who think the word 'period' is the funniest thing ever then now you'll know where to find them. Keep meaning to create a world-cup-free-zone button. Maybe tomorrow if I'm not doing something number twoish. Period, heehee.

Saturday, 27 May 2006

236th blog entry

Yep, that's right, I couldn't think of anything more interesting to call it. I am demoralised, depressed and defied byt the rain rain RAIN IS IT NEVER GOING TO END??????? Yesterday was our one year pre-anniversary as on 26 May next year Pooch and I shall be marrying each other, at least that's the plan so far... we have been having a rather rocky week or two and had a big heart to heart (or head to head as is more our style) this morning and got some things sorted.

I am sitting here supposed to be studying when all I can see out of the window is RAIN. Here, this is some I made earlier.
Do you know how this makes me feel? Here is a hint.
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So anyway. Hmmmm. So yes I suppose I might have been doing some knitting. This is the front of the summer (ha! what summer?) top I started last week. It's pretty simple stuff but I like the way the yarn keeps changing.
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I also got these in the post:
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Big ol'postcards with lovely fibre type knitting images on them. They were to be sold at Woolfest but I'm not sure now whether I'm actually going, or at least I am going but maybe not as a seller. However my SP will be benefiting from them when her first decent parcel arrives. She got the chocolate I sent her and was very happy so I seem to be doing my duty so far! Later today I'll be skeining up some yarn to make socks for Pooch and Tom. Pooch wants plain red ones but that would be a tad boring to knit up so I think I'll spice it up a bit more than that. Tom likes dark blue but again I think I'll make it a little more interesting than that! I might do Tom's with kool aid what with him being american and all. I'll update you on progress.

Monday, 22 May 2006

Recognition at last as the UK fanbase of Professor Doug, joint author of 'gansta knitter'. These are his hands on my chest:
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Episode 12 of their podcast (found at mentions my adoration! I hadn't heard from Doug for ages - thought he had forgotten me. This episode is hilarious - I can't help laughing now when I hear their voices. What angels...

Sunday, 21 May 2006

Photo catch up

I always seem to be catching up on this blog. Anyway..a quick run through life chez byrne in the last week or so. The regia silk socks have been worn and machine washed and are still as lovely and soft and vibrant as they first were.
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And the bag crocheted on the flight to philadelphia has been lined and used and come through unscathed. It's actually a nice little thing although you wouldn't want to carry heavy stuff in it. The linen print would cope fine but the lining would detach in seconds.
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These are the cute little antibiotics I was on (I wish I could photograph as well as Yarnstorm but nurts this will do)
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And last in our catch up we haven't had any Pooch action on here for a while so here he is in the position he assumed for most of the weekend.
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Poor little thing it turns out is not actually coping that well with me spending sunday cooped up in the spare room trying to understand what a market economy is. Actually this wasn't the whole reaosn I was in here because, and this is seriously exciting people, I created a database for my stash AND a separate one for patterns. For now I am truly the knitting geek I have always wanted to be. Loooookkk.....
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Yes, I am aware that a proper geek would have done a screenshot but I had the camera to hand's fine Ok? I made the questionable decision to ask Pooch for some help creating drop down menus and boy oh boy there's no doubt left in my mind now that this is not, never has been and never will be the 'right' way to do a database. In fact it should be referred to as a 'spreadsheet with a form' and I will regret not doing it the right way when I want to develop it further in times to come. Poor Pooch. I thnk it was nails on a blackboard to him seeing me just bodge together something that suited me and wasn't technical wizardry. But, people, how exciting? But, people, I have too much yarn. And no idea what to do with most of it. But I feel sure something will occur to me. I will now be able to carry this file around with me on my PDA and whenever I feel tempted to buy can see what else I have already that is similar or what pattern would be suitable for what I want to uy and therefore buy the right amount. Will this actually change my buying habits? Hell, no, I shouldn't think so. But guys, all my stash is listed on a little screen and its going to hae pictures and just how cute is that?

One of the things I have to report diminishing quantities of is this gelato stuff I got in Chestnut Hill.
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I am makinga summer top from the summer tweed pattern book. It's going pretty quickly and despite an initial doubt I am liking the way it knits up. Should be nice and cool if the weather ever gets any warmer round here or it stops raining for 2 minutes.

So it looks like my new friend from Philadelphia is going to be back in London around my birthday at the beginning of July. This took some conniving but was good fun as MateTom and BusinessTom and I were exchanging emails to different accounts depending on which one was emailing who and so it was the kind of stupid thing that makes me laugh. The client strongly requested Tom be the one to come over and do the training after 'developing such a good rapport with our staff' during the last session. Can you believe there is a world cup game on my birthday so I am told by Pooch any celebrations are going to have to fit in around that. That is why I am pleased Tom will be here so I can go out and do something without being tied to a discussion of referee eyesight tests. Plus Tom is american so is bound to understand the whole independance day thing that I seem to have become so strangely obsessed by. There must be american pubs in london. I mean, there's a canadian one (hwek {spitting noise, in case this was somehow not clear}) so there must be american ones. I will find one, no fear.

Actually I feel quite bad about something I emailed Tom the other day. You know when you meet someone and you get on with them well but you don't really know them that well? I forgot we hadn't been mates for years and started on my little bandwagon about how too much stuff that I perceive as boring is bad for you and paranoicly, leads to madness. I really need to get over projecting my life onto other people. Talk about big headed apart from anything else. I sent an apology today so will see what he thinks after the weekend.

Lastly, Pooch was looking at flats today and noticed the one inside the wharf we look out over is for rent in two months time for the same money as ours. We are on 2 months notice and like the area so that would work out pretty darn nicely really. It's also being rented by the company who are selling this place and so we might be able to do some nice little deal. They are complete bastards but then I have only ever met one estate agent who wasn't so at least there's no doubt up front that they will screw us over if they get the chance.

Early night for me tonight as I'm back to feeling tired all the time again. Sean has another project for me to do with negotiating a peaceful resolution to a mexican stand off when I get in on Monday so need to be nice and bright. Sleep well everyone xx

Ooo oo before I forget has everyone been to Woolly Wormhead's shop? I bought two of her patterns the other day and bought one of her hats (the hex hat - so so cool) on the Haworth trip. Mucho recommendations.

Friday, 19 May 2006

Buggery bollocks

You know how cooking is not exactly one of my strong points? Well I had it all sorted tonight with some mushroom risotto and some chiritzo to give it a bit of texture. Bit it tastes like poo!!!! God damn. And I can't find my camera cable so there's no pics of anything from recently. Man, I'm going to kick that camera cable's arse when I find it.

Ooooo, OK the penny just dropped. I've got PMT.

Just to skip topic I'm watching a programme about aligator attacks. Ewww. Maybe I won't go to Miami. This Janey woman - I don't think she's going to have a happy ending.

Back to a different topic, I bought the e-knit cards from Nancy's knitknacks more than a year ago. That's right, a year ago. I could never get them to work on my PDA which is what it is designed for. So then, and this is so so dumb, I relaised last weekend I don't have a pocket version of access or any database software. So, yes, Byrne, that might explain why this wasn't working. Reloaded it all today and we have contact.

Ooooo, sorry gents but I'm going to go off on a girl thing here - do any of you ladies get PMT like surfing? I don't surf so I don't really know but it's like I'm riding a wave that is moving really fast and I am very precariously balanced on my board. And every now and again a big wave will go woosh and I'm engulfed and then I come out again the other side and maybe it's calm again. Any actual surfers out there are probably wondering what the hell I'm talking about. It just keeps arriving in bursts.

Grrrrrr, definitely for the best that Pooch is out somewhere and I have the place to myself. Or if he'd been here I wouldn't have a bowl of congealing wallpaper paste substitute at my elbow. OK he's in trouble. OH MY GOD there's no chocolate in the house. OK people, you know what needs to be done. I'm for the Dooleys and whatever god damned sugary foodstuff i can dredge up. I'm really sorry to all the women out there who are cursing me for adding to the stereotype but BUT.

I have to go. Need liquor. If anyone reading this is male, I hate you. But only if you're reading it right now. Maybe.

Sunday, 14 May 2006

Sunday update

This is one of the images I've been mucking about with while creating products to sell at Woolfest. I must catch up with Nickerjac to see what her plans are about going up there. From the sounds of it she has been as busy if not busier than Crazy Aunt Purl with lots of going back and forth.

Today I have been mainly eating battenburg cake in honour of Yarnstorm. In the post I've linked to you not only get her recipe for the cake but also get to see the wicked tea cosy she has knitted that matches it so perfectly. That woman is such a dude. If you have time look at the tulip post from a few days earlier - they are my favourite flower and she is such a good photographer it's a real pleasure to read.

I have also been slogging away through stakeholders onto marketing. I have almost finished session 2 so I *think* I am up to date according to the study calendar. Which is good as Pooch and I are off to the comedy club tonight for someone's birthday. And before then I want to line the bag Pooch gave me the kit for and that I made on the plane out to the US. It is a crochet mesh like a string bag in rowan linen print and is actually very nice although I never would have bought the kit for myself. I have chosen tonight for its debut. Hopefully I will actually locate the camera soon and be able to take a pic of that and the socks.

My secret pal has been in touch and sounds very lovely! She has asked me lots of extra questions including foot measurements so I'm hoping my heavy hints might pay off and I might get some hand knit socks. I know I've knitted myself tonnes but I have this idea that socks from someone else will be even more comfy than the ones I've done.

Saturday, 13 May 2006

Time and timing

As worried about, my studies are already impinging on my knitting time. Finsihed the regia silk socks on two needles with the ribbed for her pleasure leggy bits but haven't had a chance to photograph them yet. Will try to update properly tomorrow.

Before I go, am getting very excited about SP8 and have added a button to the lefthandside. SP8, rah rah rah!

Thursday, 11 May 2006

And lo! 12 hours appeared as if from nowhere

Mr Rancid Pooch the first has just phoned me to say he is irretrevably drunk and I must stand by to accept the wounded and dying. Hmmmmmm, spare room for him me thinks. (His doghouse, fnah fnah)

Is actually not that bad having a bit of extra time to myself to reflect as I just had my first MBA tutorial this evening. Where on earth did I think 12 hours study time a week was going to come from? Wow. That's a lot of time. So now I need a plan and am thinking it will involve starting work at 8 and knocking off at 4 and then
sitting there with literally a different hat on for 2 hours after that crunching OU stuff. But then that has its drawbacks because people will still bug me about stuff, even with a stupid hat on. Perhaps, no, I already know that wouldn't work so am not going to bother typing it. Basically it's all going to mean far less knitting. Had my update with sean this morning and am not moving dept - in a move previously unknown at the IOP there has been an internal reorganisation and I have not changed boss, floor or building. Extraordinary. Actually since coming back from Philadelphia I've felt a new comfort in what I'm doing with all the strategy stuff. Therapist Louise told me ages ago that a healthy head doesn't seek external validation but then she's never had to devise a scorecard when your chief exec is a useless windchime and the senior management all hate each other. People are coming to me with all these questions about how things can be done to achieve this that and the other and it's reminded me that, admittedly, I'm the only one that knows enough about it to advise (I'm now correcting Sean when he comes out of stuff - yep, you just know he loves that!) but that it is all actually rather complicated and difficult for tiny british minds to grasp. (I put that last bit in in case Tom is reading and is thinking how easy it is for broad american minds to grasp.)

I had better break off here and batten down the hatches for Pooch's arrival which will no doubt be stormy. He told me he was celebrating because he had 'saved sony' today at work. I feel certain I will be hearing all about it the moment I hear his key scratching at the door and go to relieve him of the burden of getting it in the keyhole.

Tuesday, 9 May 2006

SP8 Questionnaire

1. What is/are your favorite yarn/s to knit with? What fibers do you absolutely *not* like?
Recently I've been going heavy on machine washable wool but cotton is good too. Sock yarn is frequently found in my stash. Basically anything that feels soft - absolutely no scratchy acrylic but soft acrylic is good. Chunky would be good too - have bought way too much 4-ply recently.
2. What do you use to store your needles/hooks in?
I have a needle roll I made myself which I love - I also use jam jars. I tend to have one in each room in case I get an urge to pick up a pair and start something. I also just bought a crochet roll last week which is felted pink and orange wool.
3. How long have you been knitting? Would you consider your skill level to be beginner, intermediate or advanced?
I'm pretty advanced - I've done cable, intarsia, fairisle. I've tried and loathed entrelac. However, I am definitely not a perfectionist so will tend to have a go at anything new and just live with it if I have to bodge the first few rows.
4. Do you have an Amazon or other online wish list?
No, sorry.
5. What's your favorite scent? (for candles, bath products etc.)
Vanilla - I am ALLERGIC to lavender so please be careful as I won't be able to go near anything that contains this.
6. Do you have a sweet tooth? Favorite candy?
Do I ever. I lurve chocolate. Favourite is probably dairy milk. I don't like Herscheys as it's too sweet.
7. What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do? Do you spin?
I do spin but not very often. I am supposed to be getting a wheel but am just drop spindling at the mo. Developments in this have stalled as I have just started an MBA so all my spare time has vanished.
8. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s? (if your buddy wants to make you a CD)
I have an mp3 player. I love listening to classic detective audio books. I'll try most music but do not like wailing women like Maria Carey or teenybop bands.
9. What's your favorite color? Or--do you have a color family/season/palette you prefer? Any colors you just can't stand?
I like red best but have totally overdosed on it recently. I am getting quite into knitted flowers so any colour that could be made into a flower would be good - plus green for the leaves!
10. What is your family situation? Do you have any pets?
I am engaged to the sweet Pooch and we'll marry in May 2007. No pets but I love cats (Pooch is allergic, despite his name).
11. Do you wear scarves, hats, mittens or ponchos?
All except ponchos. The madder the better really.
12. What is/are your favorite item/s to knit?
What I knit most frequently is socks. But this is more a convinience thing really. Actually I do really like hand knitted socks too and my family and friends have discovered how great they are too so I keep on churning them out. I also like small things like bags or jewellery that give a quick reward or larger things in chunky yarn.
13. What are you knitting right now?
Socks. Actually, I have two pairs on the needles. Plus a cabled aran jumper. Plus a garter st jumper. Plus a baby jumper. Plus I'm about to start a scarf for a friend.
14. Do you like to receive handmade gifts?
15. Do you prefer straight or circular needles? Bamboo, aluminum, plastic?
I used to hate circs, now I'm converted. I have a set of denises. I also love crystal palace bamboo as they are just so damn smooth. I prefer shorter needles - about 20cm. I HATE double points. I hate them, they hate me, it's a mutual thing.
16. Do you own a yarn winder and/or swift?
17. How did you learn to knit?
My mother and a kit combined.
18. How old is your oldest UFO?
It's the cabled aran. It's not so bad though - only about a year and I get it out and do a few rows every couple of months.
19. What is your favorite holiday?
I just came back from an awesome time in Piladelphia. But it's the people that make a good holiday. My favourite scenic wise was Morocco - Marrakesh in particular. The culture and scenary there was amazing.
20. Is there anything that you collect?
Buttons - I love them! I get them to use though, not to keep. I have quite a collection of hairclips and tend to fling on a couple whenever I feel like a quick pick-me-up.
21. Any books, yarns, needles or patterns out there you are dying to get your hands on? What knitting magazine subscriptions do you have?
I don't like simply knitting or knitting magazine. I have a subscription to Vogue and usually buy InterweaveKnits. I haven't tried Interweave Crochet - not even sure if Vogue has a version like that but would be interested to see a copy.
22. Are there any new techniques you'd like to learn?
Tunisian crochet? I think that's it - the one where you keep the loops on the hook. I did want to try lace making but am doubtful I really have time for it. During SP6 I got into dyeing and have been doing some of that on and off since then.
23. Are you a sock knitter? What are your foot measurements?
Am a size 7 UK size and yes, I sure do make them. No one has ever knitted me some socks (hint hint).
24. When is your birthday? (mm/dd)
4th July - no, seriously! I'll be 28 this year.