1. Onesie with some awesome motto printed on it - could use foam letters and fabric paint rather than needing to be fancy about it.
2. Woven patchwork using a jelly roll. Instructions are for a rug but a baby blanket would be nice too.
3. A Galaxy Dress using bleach and fabric paint. You know how much these are usually? Where can I get a black shirtdress for cheap?
4. Rolled Paper Vase (from Mary Jean's Things Etsy Shop)
5. Use the base of a poundshop laundry basket to make polka dot walls
I love Pinterest for keeping track of all these ideas although you do need to make sure you credit things properly - not least so they link back to the original tutorials. There is so much craftyness out there! It makes me happy to know there are so many of us making away in our spare time out there. But I don't find all these already on Pinterest and just repin them. Here are some blogs that have been inspiring me lately...
To help keep up with blogs I've developed an addiction to the Flipboard app. It's free and you can set up whatever you want to keep an eye on. I've got UK News, Technology, Science which gathers all the top stories from social media and the internet and lets me skim through them. Then I've also got Google Reader as another with all the blogs I read set up. Google Reader is free too and is soooo easy to use. I've then got the CRAFT website as a separate section as they update so often it floods my other blogs otherwise and then Flickr as another one again. I now read the latest blog posts on my way home each evening. I've been catching up on so many more posts than I would usually be able to read and with less effort than looking at the sidebar on my own blog to see who has updated. Result. It can only leave more time for crafting.
I wish someone would pay me to endorse stuff I love anyway.
Bleh. I'm off now to watch Volcanos LIVE and tear colourful pages out of magazines to make into a vase. And possibly a mess.