Thursday 19 July 2007

Lolcat addict

I think I am finding new addictions to distract me from my ridiculous wedding. Lolcats are definitely a new one and am part of the lolcat group on ravelry. Someone posted this quiz:

My score on The Which Lolcat Are You? Test:

Sad Cookie Cat

(51% Affectionate, 36% Excitable, 57% Hungry)

You are the classic Shakespearian tragedy of the lolcat universe. The sad story of a baking a cookie, succumbing to gluttony, and in turn consuming the very cookie that was to be offered. Bad grammar ensues.

To see all possible results, checka &dis.

Link: The Which Lolcat Are You? Test
(OkCupid Free Online Dating)

I was just at our trustee lunch and a guy I used to know pretty well and who I always enjoy catching up with bustled over to me...
"Oh thanks" say I, thinking he's heard about the wedding
"So how are you enjoying your pregnancy?" he says
"I am not pregnant and I am going to stamp on your foot very hard" I respond
"I think you should" he says, producing his foot.
What saved it was how indescribably embarrassed he was. I couldn't help but laugh as he apologised and looked utterly gobsmacked at being so tactless. He's an important man too so not the sort of situation he must find himself in too often. I really do feel for him!

Just as well it was today with other good stuff going on in the background and not yesterday when the size 16 trousers in Next were too tight. I am going to try John Lewis today as I hear that expensive clothes have a rather larger interpretation of a 16 than cheaper ones. And why am I clothes shopping? I mean, apart from the usual? Well, I have something cooking that requires a suit and since I am at least a couple of twins past my size 12 ones this means shopping. Should obviously add some spanx pants to my list too...

In knitting news have finished the chevron scarf which though I say it myself is stunningly beautiful. Have cast on a pair of plain magic loop socks in the regia my SP got me. Love the colours. I definitely prefer regia to opal in texture too, although it is probably all being made by the same bod.

Monday 16 July 2007

Wedding schmedding

The bouquet progresses... A number of people have asked me how this would work out and here is my solution: a big square of red polka dot with loose running stitch sewn in a circle, start to gather it up to form a neck and start stuffing with whatever you have handy. Stuffing maybe. But laddered tights work well too (clean ones). Use twice as much as you think you'll need, pull the neck tight and sew a few stitches through the neck to make it secure. You'll end up with something like this, which Pooch felt was rather inappropriate for him to model.
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Then I got all my flowers that I have been working on and started pinning them to the base with common or garden pins.
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It still needs some work, not least in that it's a bit of a mess of different yarns and fibres. Need to have a think about it, but overall I'm happy with the concept.
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A couple of people have asked about the wedding list and there is one, which just happens to contain some knitting goodies, over here. And the email address our list is under is mrandmrswhittakerathotmaildotcodotuk. Make sure you pay most attention to my bit of the list, as Pooch already has far too much stuff.

OK, have stopped laughing, and am reminded of this lolcat I posted in one of my previous posts.
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Am having a bit of a hysterical afternoon. I blame the fatigue from being a support crew to a team on the 100km walk over the weekend and the unscheduled pepsi max break this afternoon. Gone right to my head...

Tuesday 10 July 2007

Two posts in one day?

You wait ages for a bus and then yadda yadda...

Had to post about the new love of my life - tilli tomas disco lights and the chevron scarf.
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Here is one of those lovely close up shots I love so much.
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And what is that in the background? Could it be the signed picture of the great john cena that pooch got me for my birthday? Oh yes. In a lovely gold frame.

Sian and co came round on sunday and mr mead brought quite the most amazing trifle I have ever seen. It was so amazing I felt compelled to take a picture.
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The only other mini thing which I've just found on my camera is the favours for the wedding which I came across while down in canterbury. They are marzipan. Aren't they cute?
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Busy busy

I have completely given up any hope of getting a podcast out before the wedding. Sorry peeps but there's just been too much going on. I'm also probably not going to be blogging as much as I'd like either but you can feel safe in the knowledge that I am still spending every hour I can knitting! Just cast on the seminal chevron scarf from 'last minute knitted gifts' using the tilli tomas disco lights I got in the US and a ball of anny blatt silk from the stash - still knitting from the stash like a good girl ;)

Am also still loving ravelry and was very happy to move the scarf from my queue to my project list. Am meeting lots of new people in there and a whole heap of listeners. Those who haven't ventured in there yet, don't forget the forums. There is a summer-camp-exchange-sign-up going on which I have duly signed up for. Also there is the lolcat thread, which is just hilarious. Here are just a few of these. The last one is my current desktop picture at work and gives me a little lift each time I see it! Especially as no one else gets it.

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Thursday 5 July 2007

Birthday bonanza

Well let's get to the juicy stuff straight off...
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This is the whole haul. Pooch gave me the boye needle master set of interchangables, which so far I've only played around with and stroked a lot.
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Aren't they beautiful? But what I don't understand is how they can bring themselves to put such beautiful needles in such a fugly case.
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What's with that? Plus he got me the pink knitlite needles that have little light bulbs in them for those cinema-dropped-stitch-episodes. Genius!

Pooch also took me out for a lovely sushi dinner, and while I was waiting for it to be time to meet him I just happened to be near Liberty. And I just happened to go into their wool department. Abd I just hapenned to come across some crazy bargains. That's what all that yarn is in the photo. But bearing in mind that I got 38 balls of jaeger for £50 I don't feel so bad about it, and I was due a day from stashalong anyway. So I came out with...
  • 10 balls jaeger aqua in butter yellow
  • 10 balls aqua in bright orange
  • 8 balls jaeger siena in green
  • 6 balls in purpley blue
  • 6 balls in cream
Now I did not just go crazy, because believe me I could have bought at least another three colourways of the siena. Also I have a plan. Kind of. The yellow and orange is for a baby blanket. Am thinking squares and probably crochet. The green/purple/cream combo was inspired by the highly inspirational Nickerjac who was crocheting with those three colours at SkipNorth. She was using james c brett merino, which I still haven't seen any of so let me know if you know of a london pusher, or rather don't. Jan had made Nic a baby blanket that was quite stunning - you actually couldn't see where she'd joined the rounds. Has all prompted me to add the 200 blocks book to my wishlist.

I have been going great guns on the sideways sock adventure, and it ended recently with me wearing this.
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Now I know my eagle eyed readers will have noticed the slight sag towards the toe end. Lets just look at that in more detail shall we?
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That's the end of the toe folded over. This is the downside of a sideways sock. I made it about 2 inches too long and whereas with your conventional one you could just rip back, with this one you're stuck with it. I considered keeping it as a lesson for the future but then there was this as well:
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That's the front of my ankle looking very much norah battyish. I had mitred the heel but not used any shaping there and so with two major design flaws I did the decent thing and frogged it out of existence. The mark 2 version is going along very nicely.

Finally, I've been making flowers for my wedding bouquet - and this one is definitely not going to be thrown to the crowd. I have been doing them on the tube on the way to and from work. These are all the tapestry ones. I do like this yarn although I have a feeling it would pill like crazy with wear. If anyone has any experiences of this let me know.

I did get lots of other presents which were all wonderful but haven't photographed them yet. Thanks to everyone who sent emails and things too. Horrah for birthdays!

Monday 2 July 2007

Wooo hooo

Well we did have a lovely time yesterday. Took a mound of cake and sweets to work today to stop me eating it all myself. I'm leaving photos until I've had a chance to send the link round the attendees but I did want to share this cake, which Julie made, and was wonderfully tasty as well as generally wonderful!
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Then I feel these photos are so splendid I'll have to show off a bit. This was my present to Nic, and fling me sideways if the second photo isn't worthy of yarnstorm herself.
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So here in rain central it is, um, raining. Can you believe it is July? I am getting married in a month (one month today in fact) and here we are trudging around in wellies. Actually wellies would go quite well with the dress but the shoes I've got already will be much better.

I was hoping to get a podcast out last weekend but paypal decided to cancel my payment to podbean and the whole site got suspended. I'm pleased to say it is all up and running again but it means it'll be a few more days before I get round to that. Now.... I'm off to trawl blogs to read about Woolfest.

Saturday 30 June 2007

Baby Shower Count Down!

Have done the biggest shop ever for tomorrow. Need to warn people not to eat too much before they get here! I'm really looking forward to it though - will be great to see old friends and meet new ones and all with Nic's happy times ahead in mind. Which reminds me, still need to finish my gift!

In between baby showering, MBA, Pooch-maintenance and...what was that other thing? Oh yeah, working... I have been doing a cracking amount of knitting. Had a bit of a medication malfaunction this week and the mindless knitting on the EZ charity jumper really helped me calm things down. I've chosen saddle shoulders as I hadn't tried those before and it is working out OK. Almost up to the neck.
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Also while I was at our summer staff meeting yesterday I finished the cherry blossom sock using th yarn my SP gave me in my first parcel.
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Rubbish picture as the yarn is really divine and not at all dayglo. Cast on the second one on the tube home and managed to go three stops past where I was supposed to change so obviously a rather enthralling pattern!

Have also started something I've been rolling around in my mind for a while - a sideways sock. I had one attempt earlier in the year which turned out extremely malformed but this one is looking much better. I had found a couple of patterns on ravelry but one involved doing the straight bits then lots of grafting and the other put the seam under the foot, which I am never fond of. So I've ended up doing my own.
This is the heel...
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...which I've done using mitering and then a bit of jiggling. Here it is again
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and hell, let's not skimp. Let's have a third shot. This is of the whole thing laid out flat.
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This is the toe. Not pointy like my usuals but then the feedback I've had is that you *can* have your socks too pointy, something personally I have never agreed with.
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So I got so far and thought "Ha! Easy. Away I go for real." I dug out some Zitron Lifestyle that is german but which I bought in NY earlier this year (note: still knitting with stash like a good girl). I bought it and was then shown some small child knitting with it and looked on with horror at the fairly broad stripes of fair isle lookalike which put me right off it. But knitting sideways all stripes are thin and overall I am really pleased with it.
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That is one side of the heel you can see there. Next comes the sole then the other heel side before doing the top. What is that part of the foot called anyway?

Am hoping to get another podcast out this weekend. Thanks to everyone who has been saying nice things about it! If there's a blog you think I should be mentioning just point me to it and I'll give it the once over.

Wednesday 27 June 2007

Button button, who's got the button?

Here is one for my podcast:

Lixie Knits It - the podcast!

To get it to appear you need to use this little bit of html but get rid of all the asterisks as they're making it not appear as html
**<**a href="" target="_blank"><**img src="" border="0" alt="Lixie Knits It - the podcast!"><**/a>

and one for my ravelry addiction:
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I can send people the photoshop file for the latter if they want to sub their own name in it. littlelixieathotmaildotcom finds me.

Woo ha!

Monday 25 June 2007


Been mucking about on

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Ravelry mania is gripping the nation

Or at least that bit of it that contains me. Have been coming round from a migraine today but have found a little time to go on and have a poke around. I am so hooked. Do you remember when you first started blogging? It's like that, only better. I've been putting on my current WIP and adding projects to my queue and making friends with people (I'm littlelixie - send me a message!). It is just so darn cool. Join the queue now to get involved - they're sending out a thousand invites a week but the waiting list is something crazy like 7000 so get in the line now.

Enough hysterics. I have a finished object.
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Isn't it pretty? I want to wear it right now but am saving it for the wedding. And while we're at it, check out that cleavage. Yeah baby. This whole fat thing has some benefits anyway.

Friday saw me get a make over and I think I ended up looking like aunt sally. I think it is the lips.
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Once I got home and got rid of the lips I think I looked a bit better.
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Overall I think it's pretty good. I must have done really considering how much I spent on the make up. I could have bought sooooo much wool with that money! Here's the haul:
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So anyway, I've been away from ravelry for long enough. Might just check back in there and see what's new...

Thursday 21 June 2007

Podcast and Knitting magazine

Busy week so far... A new podcast is on itunes or at the usual address of Hope you like it!

At the golders green knitting group last night Laura asked me whether I knew my blog was in 'Knitting' magazine. One short trip to tescos later and here I am...
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Weird huh? Anyway if anyone knows the woman who writes that bit do ask her to get in touch and maybe we can share some lixie-love with a podcast interview?!

Quite a lot of knitting to display today. Firstly I am *still* slogging away on the trekking socks. They are very much a 'when-i-can't-thi9nk-of-anything-else-to-do' project.
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I have now turned the heel of the second one so they should be finished by the time it gets cold again.

I started a little charity jumper in the round when Pooch and I went to see the fantastic 4 at the weekend. Is nice mindless tube knitting for the tube/bedtime (yes, dudes, I knit in bed).
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Finally we've got what i broke my yarn diet for, although it's allowed as it is an i-need-it project. That doesn't quite include the two balls of tapestry that called my name but anyway, I'm counting it as the day of splurging I'm allowed under stashalong rules. The yarn is DB baby cashmerino and the pattern is the retro redux shrug from Lace Style, which Justine and I discuss on the podcast.
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I love Debbie Bliss yarn. And most of her patterns. And she's nice too. What a gal. And as for the book, I looooooooooooooove it. Sooooooo many nice things.

Have now had my invite for ravelry and am totally hooked. you want to get your names down and go and have a look at the screenshots over there as it really is lovely!

Thursday 14 June 2007

Proust said...

...that there were only a finite number of faces. This has been really getting to me. For instance, I spent the last two days sitting between these men. Actually the one on the left was on my right and vice versa.

Everyone I see now reminds me of someone else. It is becoming a little offputting.

There has been lots going on chezbyrnesoontobewhittaker. I have been catching up a little bit on my studying which is good. And the secret knitting project is going ok although it is going to be a bit tight to finish it in time. And I have decided it is going to be cold on 2nd aug so I need to knit a shrug. I've found one in lace style though, which i bought after talking to justine about it. Justine, incidentally, will be appearing on a podcast near you any day now. I'm planning to put out another episode this weekend.

Work this week has been quite appallingly awful. It is starting to get me down somewhat, but not enough to actually do anything about it. We'll see what happens when the meds get cut i guess.

I've just thought - the yarn for the shrug means I have to break my yarn diet. Hmmmm, so if I'm going to anyway Slippery slope.

Sunday 10 June 2007

Well I'm back

Really rather a weird week in italy. It rained a lot and Pooch and I discovered a number of humorous differences in our attitudes to things, such as sitting around reading or shooting the breeze. The train ride there was odd with our own little cabin on the sleeper fromparis to milan. We arrived in the morning very tired and so the first day was a bit of a daze, especially as it was pouring with rain for most of it.

There were some good bits though with scenes like this around most corners.
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The ride back was during the day and equally tiring. We had a weird afternoon in milan first and I slept really badly that night so was already tired before next door decided to have their loudest party yet last night, so today I've been walking around in a daze. Combine that with finding I have gained another 4 pounds and am now at my most heaviest ever and having my first assignment due for the MBA and being behind with my studying and I'm not in the best of moods.

I did do some holiday knitting using the knit 1 crochet too cotton I bought in new york. I am rather pleased with it.
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Close up of colour change and basketweave front.
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It would have been a pic of it in situ but I find images of myself physically revolting as I am now a full 3 stone heavier than I was before I went mad 3.5 years ago.

There was no stash enhancement at all (stashalongstashalongstashalong) but I did pick up these in milan.
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Pooch is his usual self, sitting next to me reading about italian cookery. I took about 10 pictures of him sitting in chairs during the week but this first one remains my favourite. In the first class lounge in paris before boarding the sleeper to milan.
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Saturday 26 May 2007

Secret Pal Task 2

With the weather turning warmer, many of you are thinking of traveling (though some of you have just returned, you can play along). 1) What do you pack to knit?
  • I am off to italy on friday and this question has been weighing heavy on me. What to knit? Cotton as it will be hot? But then if you get a bit sweaty cotton becomes hard to manipulate. Wool? But then might be too hot. Lace? But what if I get into difficulties? Should I then pack loads of emergency accessories in case of this?
  • Do I take all my denise needles or just the ones I need for the projects I've got in hand? Oh so many possibilities.
  • In reality - I'll be taking my cherry socks I've started with my SP yarn, another set of plain socks and then some other as yet undefined stuff. Plus maybe some crochet. Maybe.
and 2) What do you hope to shop for?
  • I am on a YARN DIET!!! So nothing.
  • Well, maybe. Patterns don't count. And maybe sock yarn. I dunno. Unlike america am not looking to see if there are any yarn shops nearby.
Bonus: Where would you go on a "knitting holiday"?
  • Japan. I really want to go to japan anyway but would love to be able to explore their yarn shops and all the masses of gorgeous books I keep ogling on