I love secret pal. This round is a bit weird but I'm still having fun. I got my first parcel from my pal today. Yippeee!
300g of lovely soft cotton in that divine dark purple, 4 big buttons to match, 2 BEAUTIFUL heart=shaped ceramic buttons, nail varnish in the exact same shade as the yarn (!) AND a massive block of delicious chocolate that is about.....half gone already. Om nom nom nom. Thank you secret pal! I am very very happy. I am thinking
this maybe for the yarn, as a short sleeved version. But I think I can wing the pattern without paying since it looks like the estonian button stitch from
these socks on the body, and I can do the yoke no prob. No wait....
this. Yeah baby.
Work has been as zany as ever recently. The boys have been on fine form, and never more so than when my free sample frames arrived from Glasses Direct. Very impressed with them, but that's by the by. I tried on my frames and have gone for these ones:
Which left the boys with the other three pairs to play with.
From left to right is Sam, Jac and Steve. They're the ones who spent an hour debating which should donate their sperm to me. Sweeties.
I've long been a fan of vintage necklaces and have amassed quite a few. But for the last few years I haven't worn that many since they have, ahem, shrunk (i.e. fat neck) or broken. Here is the sorry spectacle of those needing attention.
I bought some chain the last time I was at a bead shop and some slip rings later we have...these 5 extended.
And these three fixed.
Some of them really are beautiful.
Apart from all that I have finally started stitching the patchwork flowers together. I have gone for the rainbow, against your collective advice. So whites first (apologies for sounding like a BNP supporter). I think they're looking rather lovely.