Wednesday 11 August 2010

When the little voice tells you that you can’t

I have been a long time admirer of the recycled knitting needle bracelets made by Sassafras Creations on Etsy ( I have a blue one and a red one and she was doing some biros about 3 years ago that I always wanted but never got, but that’s not really the point. I got my bracelets at different times over the last couple of years and I wear them often.

(Figurines available here - no affiliation.)

Then I got to thinking, “It’s a bent knitting needle. I have knitting needles. I could bend one.” And I did have the needles but then the little voice started telling me how hard it would be. I would need to heat the metal needles to get them to bend smoothly.

“OK,” I thought, “I’ll use the oven”.

But if I heated metal needles in the oven the coating might burn or smoke or melt or something.

“OK,” I thought, “I’ll do one and see what happens.”

But they are not all made by the same company. What works with one needle might not work with another and the next one might melt and ruin the oven.

“Well” I thought, “I’ll just give it a go.”

When you bend the needle it will be hot and you’ll burn yourself. And if you use a cloth or gloves you won’t be able to get a good enough grip on the needle and it will go wrong.

“That is quite offputting.” I thought to myself. “But a teatowel should be fine.”

When you bend it, it might snap and bits will fly off into your eyes and blind you.

“Yes that is very offputting.” I thought. “I’d better wait til I have some eye protection.”

And so on. So of course then about 6 months passes and I still haven’t so much as moved a knitting needle near the oven.

Yesterday is when everything changed. I had had a fairly bloody day and was grumpy. I’d had enough of listening to ‘the man’ and wanted to stick two fingers up to the world and do what I wanted – much like a 17 year old. I was, in fact, in a perfect mood to quell the little voices. I was also, and this is important, wearing one of my Sassafras bracelets.

So I got home. I got a plastic beaker. I retrieved one of my pretty metal needles form my stash. I bent it round the beaker. It didn’t bend perfectly so I bent it a bit more by hand. And it was good.
(Sassafras needle is blue, obviously)

Then I did some more.
And yes, they're not as good as the professional one, but then they didn't cost me anything and took about 5 minutes. And if I heated them up and used a proper vice and all that jazz they probably would look better. But I think they look pretty good as they are.

So to summarise, sometimes it is good to channel your inner 17 year old. And if you're reading this and you are 17, it all gets worse from here. Chin up.

Tuesday 10 August 2010

Knit Camp News

I feel so sorry for the Unhappy KnitCampers. I decided long ago that Stirling was too far to go for a knit holiday and that it was going to cost too much. I did feel the lure of all those top name teachers and the Ravelry linkage but it was just too much hassle. I have never been so happy not to be attending a knitfest.

The first I heard was at Knit Nation a few weeks ago in London where there were mutterings about mass pullouts by tutors who had only just been sent their contracts (3 weeks before the event) and had balked at the gagging clauses forbidding them to make any negative comments about the event before, during or after. Then there was the news that the organiser had offered to pay Casey and Jess (the Ravelry owners) half their airfare and then refused once the flights were booked. So they are now in Edinburgh (with Ysolda and having Ravelry meet ups with groups in Edinburgh on the 14th and Glasgow on the 15th) but not attending the event. Meanwhile the organiser was still using the Ravelry name and not saying which tutors had pulled out.

Fast forward to last night and I get a text asking me if I've seen the latest - one tutor deported at Glasgow Airport and another diverted to Ireland because there are no work permits. So I go onto Ravelry this morning and wowsers - is there one big mess brewing. I wouldn't want to quote out of context so have a look here at the discussions forum for the latest. Things were certainly not helped when the organiser complained about people hassling her for information. Her post was neatly hemmed in by others from people literally crying because they had been looking forward to the event so much and it was now in tatters.

If you are on your way up there I would strongly recommend you go onto Ravelry as there seems to be little to no communication going out to all the paying attendees about cancelled classes. The latest I read was that the classes with European tutors were on, but everything else was somewhat up in the air. There is some handy advice about refunds and what your legal position is in other threads on the forum.

I would love to hear form those of you who are for the tag #knitcamp on twitter (no account needed) for the latest news. The official blog is here, but somewhat out of date. The official website is, um, down.

Saturday 7 August 2010

Why Wearing Own-Made is Good

(I hesitated over the title of this post because I could have put ‘handmade’ or even ‘homemade’. But I wanted to specifically focus on wearing things you made yourself – be it jumpers, hats, jewellery, bags or anything else.)

1. Uniqueness – Even if you have faithfully followed a pattern, you will have used a material, colour, size combination or made some tiny alteration that makes it different to everyone else’s. You are not going to get on the bus and see someone else wearing one of those.


2. Talking Point – When I wear things I have made myself, I invariably get comments and compliments. People can often spot when something is not mass produced and will ask you about it. In my case this is often because I’m wearing something odd. But sometimes it is because I am wearing something awesome....which brings me on to the next point.


3. Pride/Recognition – Even if what I am wearing is odd, I still made it which most people either physically can’t or can’t be bothered to do (or occasionally, such as with my stingray hat, they wisely chose not to). I know pride is a bad thing in some cultures but goddamn it I made something and I’m using it in real life and I am proud of that!


4. Satisfaction – this links closely with the previous point, but is more internalised. Even if no one says anything about what you have made you still have the inner knowledge that you made it and that it is good.


5. Confidence – this is wonderful for those of us who have that little inner voice that casts doubt on our abilities. But then you can look at and use things you have made and can see your skills in action. Plus if you took the time to make something you’ll have chosen a colour and materials that suit you, and nothing boosts your confidence like knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that you look your best.


Friday 6 August 2010

Welcome to the New Site!

I have been blogging here now for 5 years (five! Count 'em) and recently I have been thinking hard about what I might want to do during the next 5. When I started I was pretty much 100% knitting. Since then I've kept my love of knitting but have also got back into sewing again. So I took the scary step of changing my blog from "Lixie Knits It" to "Lixie Makes It".

I know it might seem like quite a small step but I've built up some loyal readers over the years and don't want to lose any of them with the change. So I hope everyone finds their way here and if you click on 'Follow' on the left sidebar you'll never lose me again!

Tuesday 3 August 2010

I am happy because...

1. I wore my favourite outfit today.

I used to wear it with a shiny red and white polka dot belt, but the elastic heart one is much better. The dress was vintage 80s and was mid-calf with sweat band type elastic around the ends of the 3/4 length sleeves. A few chops and some hemming and it was perfect. And of course a dress demands some suitable shoes. 
A very random acquisition from Budapest last year. 

2. My hexagon patchwork quilt is going very well. I've sewn together the whites, yellows and oranges. Here are the remaining 'flowers' to be assembled. 

3. It was our three year wedding anniversary yesterday and Pooch got me some polka dot undies. 


Sunday 1 August 2010

Knit Nation and Byrne Bonanza

So, Knit Nation then. I'd said on my podcast that having looked at the floorplan I was a bit doubtful about having paid to go to the marketplace because it looked a bit small - I take that back. It was manageable and perfectly formed. There were an excellent array of stands and old and new suppliers and of course there was Wollmeise.
Not that it was very easy to get close. The talk was rife with tales of people spending £200 and even £600 just at that one stall. There were no signs of them running out anytime soon though. Having only seen an occasional skein before, it was the saturation of the colours that amazed me.
These photos are in natural light with no editing or changing of tone and so on. It was pretty overwhelming all together.
I just stood on the sidelines and watched others as they got into it. I talked to a few people who felt it was over-rated and just happens to be the yarn of the moment, and at £15 a pop it is on the upper end of things. But then it is very nice and feels and looks lovely. The colours are undeniably lovely...and yet... Personally the only thing that spoke to me was the artists palette smootherino which is truly lovely. 
I did come back with just one skein of that - and that was it yarn-wise! Other than that it was just my freebie door bag and some Denise tips. 
Actually getting the denise tips was pretty cool because two women from the company itself were there and were very interesting to chat to. 

It has been a pretty action-packed weekend really with my ickle sister coming to stay for the weekend. We went out shopping on saturday to Shoreditch and Brick lane - so handy with the East London line operational again. I scored. 
Isn't that an amazing tin? It's quite big too - about 7" tall. I also got these three gorgoeus scarfs which will shortly be morphing into knitting bags.
As a child-ahead-of-my-time I was one of few of my friends whose parents were divorced so every other sunday often saw me and my other sister bowling with my dad. I am therefore a demon bowler. So when my dad and even ickler brother came up to make it a family party last night, I was odds on favourite. Except...I'm now a crippled bowler because I can't do the action anymore because of my back. So I was using one of those kiddies slide bowling aids, which only added to my coolness. Sadly, no pictures survive. But I did manage to find a few of my other family members. Pater, having just got a strike...
Freddie and Piers, just being cool....
And of course, the Poochmastergeneral. Who was knackered and did his best...
Poor Pooch. 

It was lovely to see everyone and great fun, but it is quite nice to be getting back to my peaceful patchwork. 

Thursday 29 July 2010

Did I mention....


You can also subscribe on iTunes and at most other podcast catalogues.

Let me know what you think and what you'd like to hear in a future episode.

If you would like to offer a prize for the competition or sponsor an episode leave your email in the comments areas and I'll be in touch.

Tuesday 27 July 2010

Macaroons, but not as we know them

Before I get into it, how good was the latest incarnation of Sherlock Holmes on Sunday? If you have not watched it yet, get yourself to BBC iPlayer toot sweet.
I consider myself to be quite the sherlock aficionado. At the tender age of 10 I was enthralled by the Jeremy Brett series and had the "Return" book of stories with the tv tie-in cover. At the age of 11 for my school prize I asked for and got a copy of the complete sherlock holmes. All in one volume which made my little arms hurt when reading it repeatedly from cover to cover in bed. Later I listened to audio readings of the stories (free vintage ones here), read parodies (Donald Thomas is very good) and even visited the 221B tourist attraction at Baker Street. I loved the Silk Stocking one-off that Rupert Everett made and still love the WW2 films with Basil Rathbone and the perfect Nigel Bruce as Watson.
In fact they are my main go-to film when I'm ill and in need of succour. And I watched not only the recent bromance with Robert Downey Jr but also the mockbuster where SH fought dinosaurs and people, that was loyalty as that is one bad mofo of a film. And so with all this behind me I was quite excited and mildly apprehensive about Sunday. The apprehension was mostly to do with the casting of Martin Freeman who I had always judged to have only one acting face which he used repeatedly in both Hitch Hikers Guide and The Office. But...within minutes of it starting I could sit back and could have relaxed had it not been for the tense pace of the first episode. It was a clever variation of A Study in Scarlet and bodes very well for the other two in the series. Fingers crossed they make more.

Anyway, Macaroons. My colleague is an excellent cook and had brought some in. Under my expert questioning technique she gave up the recipe and I got some. Sadly I am not an excellent cook. I added too much water. Then I overcooked the first batch.

I am not deterred though, and anyway...Pooch still ate them. Macaroons are Pooch's achilles heel. But in case anyone else is going to give it a go (it's a packet for gods sake - you don't need to be delia) just remember the dough should be thick enough to pipe rather than splashing about in the bowl, so add the water gradually.

Om nom nom nom.

Sunday 25 July 2010

Kitchener Tattoo

When Ravelry first started there were far fewer groups and so while surfing the forums you tended to get a wider spread of stuff as totally unrelated things were all crammed in together. That was how I ended up reading a thread about knitting tattoos and a woman who had got her first tattoo. It was a line, a straight thin black line, across the bottom of her big toe on her right foot. The line showed the point at which she should start decreasing when knitting top-down socks. At the time my thinking was along the lines of "What a pointless tattoo. Why would you go through the pain of having someone poke you repeatedly with a needle just for that?" But then later I realised I was being stupid and the important thing was it was something useful to her.

Tattoos have always intrigued me. Because you have to be really really certain that you're going to still like that design in 1, 10, 25+ years time because you're going be stuck with it. Facial tattoos intrigue me the most. How can anyone think so short-term? Unless it has a cultural significance beyond "hey cool tat" how can you make such a huge commitment to a lifestyle implied by your tattoo? There was another Ravelry thread more recently started by a girl who had got a job she really wanted but the company had a no-tattoo policy and she had them up one arm, up her neck and onto her jawline. She was asking which brand of stage makeup would hide them most effectively. But from the photo she was only about 25. How long can you wear thick greasepaint to work for before you get caught in the rain, or get hot and sweaty, or just forget?

All this flashed through my tiny mind earlier on today when I realised that for the first time in decades of knitting, I was doing Kitchener. And I was doing it quite quickly and you couldn't see where the join was. I finally succeeded by using Knitting without Tears which is possibly the finest of Elizabeth Zimmerman's books. Actually no, they are all indispensable. But it's pretty damned good. I opened it to the relevant page, drew a diagram in pencil in the margin of needles 1 and 2 and got to it. And if I were to get a knitting tattoo, that diagram is what I would get. Although I wouldn't actually, because I am not that committed to it.

Here it what I was Kitchenering:
It is the Talking Fish Sock which is here on Ravelry. People constantly ask me why I knit, and why don't I just buy stuff and this is why. Isn't the ripple pattern exquisite?
You just don't get that kind of thing in Primark. Of course the downside is I now have to make another one, and that's a lot of Kitchenering. But finding the silver lining, all the practice means I'm less likely to need the tattoo as a reminder of how to do it.

Saturday 24 July 2010

Chez Craft

There's been a lot of sewing going on. Unfortunately I can't blog about 2 of them, other than to offer this taster....
It is one of the cutest things I've ever made and a present for for ickle sister who's birthday it is in a week or so.

Last weekend at Deptford Market I got some really lovely fabric. It's some sort of 80s upholstery thing. I just adore the design though.
I knew as soon as I saw it it needed to be one of the bags from the Making Vintage Bags book that Pooch got me for my birthday. Brilliant book. The lining is perhaps not quite the right shade but who cares.
I like it anyway.
So given that I can't blog about anything else I've been making, that's about it!

Saturday 17 July 2010

Crafty Week

It's been quite an astounding week. Highs, lows, triumph, disaster, knitting, name it, it's happened.

Office life was disrupted by the departure of Sam who has left to go back to Uni. We had a great send-off for him but it is going to take a while for a new equilibrium to form. Luckily his replacement, Jonesy, is shaping up well but still, it;s not the same. Luckily I had Dave's first strawberry to console me. It tasted delicious!
Nick, the brother strawberry plant, is yet to fruit. Bit of a slow starter.

Meanwhile my big project has had its contract signed so that piece of trauma it over. Just need the damn thing to be built now. It makes my other office success seem a bit less impressive.
Template is on my tutorials page here.

One bad thing about Sam leaving is that he was organising the cake world cup - started solely because he wanted others to bake cake for him to eat. It's the semi-finals and while the group stages were country based, based on the office sweep stake in which I got England, so I cruised in with a Victoria Sponge, the semi's are free-choice. So I have invested in this.
It's a giant cupcake! I've put the top on the bottom so you can see the shape, but you cook the two bits separately and then sandwich them together. Om nom nom nom.

My project coming together meant I could take Friday as a sneeky day off so I did a little shopping.
It was the box rather than the embroidery threads I bought. I didn't realise how many I had until I saw them all sorted like that. Wheeeeeee rainbow!

It was lucky I wasn't in a rush as the Jubilee Line was all messed up. It meant I ended up at Mile End station. I'd never realised before how much like a New York subway station it looks.
The underground does have such an amazing mixture of styles. On the same line way out west you go so far back in time that you end up with this...
...wooden escalators!

Coming back home was sad as they have been trimming all the trees nearby. Some of them were ENORMOUS!
I know this will be good for them int he long wrong and they'll grown back stronger, but it seems such a shame. Arriving back home I got on with my flower child top. Doing the front in one piece instead of 5 and seaming was so much more sensible.
The colour isn't showing properly - it's the deep purple by Secret Pal got me. Yummy.

While shopping I also got some new scissors since sharpening my old ones seemed to finish them off.
They are weird because they are spring loaded but it actually makes it much easier to cut. My first project with them is covering these nasty plastic tape measures.
I cut a circle big enough to wrap it in. Then marked a place where the opening would need to be to get the tape measure through. Then I made a buttonhole along that line and ran a line of stitches around the edge of the circle. I pulled the stitches tight and stitched a few stitches to secure it. Then I used my birthday glue gun to attach a button to either side.
Not the neatest glueing ever, but only my second time using it. Glue guns are awesome.

So quite a crafty weekend so far and still a day to go. Crafting is so therapeutic. So relaxing and reassuring. Makes it much easier to get through the funny little things life throws at you, like a sister who consistently makes your life a little harder. Half an hour sorting buttons and contemplating what to do with 8 rainbow polka-dot FQs and suddenly she fades into the background. Luckily Pooch is pretty good too. Even when being cutely grumpy.