#7 Blink by Malcolm Gladwell
This is a *brilliant* book. It's hard to put it into a genre though. It is clearly non-fiction but it's not science, not exactly psychology and definitely not self-help. Sociology maybe? Its basis is that we all make split second decisions based on social norms, past experiences, recent experiences and any number of other things. You know that feeling when you know someone is lying but rely on what they've said? Or when you've cast on and know it's going to be too big/small but carry on anyway? Trust that instinct! The author explains where these instincts come from and gives case studies from professional sports, orchestras, policemen, psychologists and more to illustrate his points. I found it riveting. If you have enjoyed anything like Oliver Sacks or Freakonomics you will enjoy this too. Also if you are interested in people this will definitely keep your attention.
#8 Murder on the Prowl by Rita Mae Brown
Yay! Mrs Murphy is back! The cat with a plan. The moggie who has a foggy (as in "doesn't have the foggiest" - possibly an english expression...or possibly just my mother). This one is actually quite hard hitting with a teenage pregnancy and various other activities but it's a good read and keeps you guessing until the end. If you like murder mysteries solved by cats then you've got to love this.
#9 Death at Bishop's Keep by Robin Paige
Somewhat out of order I finally read the first of this series. Really charming! I wish now I was reading them in order. Very well observed characters portraying women and men at all levels of society during the period. An interesting crime. Interesting but not too overwhelming domestic dramas and a nice bit of scandal and romantic intrigue. A very satisfying mystery without being in the least bit a "woman's" book. Although it probably is.
#10 Victorian Lace Today by Jane Sowerby
I am aware that I have arrived very late to this particular party but I found a copy at the library last week and picking it up for an idle flick found myself quickly engrossed. I hadn't realised how much interesting text there was about shapes and designing. I don't do much lace but this was highly inspiring. Yes, some of the things do look like tablecloths but others are really divine. Even if you don't do lace I'd recommend splurging a pound or whatever yours charges for a library reservation. Definitely worth a look.