And then some rusty red merino aran and two smaller cones of cotton cashmere.
All curtesy of Coldspring and all a stunning 1p a gram. One peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! woo hoo.
Yes I know. I am a yarn addict. Completely and utterly. Undeniably. More knitting, Miss Byrne, less stashing.
It is all so soft and lovely. Sheila at Coldspring is a god. And adam. Yay! Yarn! Two long hours before I can realistically hop it home and get swatching.
What a wondeful aray of yarn - they are fab colours - did you order them without seeing them ? you are clever ! Now all you need to do is some knitting - nah - just sit and look at it, sometimes that can be just as rewarding !
do you have a weblink for the coldspring people?
Oooh, I'm so tempted to ring them and order some yarn myself...
I have a confession I rang them this morning myself and ordered nine cones!!!!! And there was me saving myself for the Liberty sale
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