Am I mad (madder than usual)? I have expressed a desire to knit an aran jumper for dad 2 for xmas and, as every knitter knows, one can not embark on a new self-designed project without buying at least one new stitch dictionary. This one is excellent - all the stitches are indexed according to how many row repeats they occur over. Was pouring over it last night and knitted the final tension swatch on my denise needles. But am I aiming too high? It's going to be quite a piece of work and I find cabling very boring. Basically we both know this is a project doomed to piss me off but.....but..... he will really like it and then I can tick "Aran jumper" off my 'what I need to knit before I die' list.
In other news the alpaca from texere still hasn't arrived which is a bit boring. Have half a mind to knit Pooch this hat rather than the more boring one he wants.
There has been a really nasty spat going on on the UKHK list. Dawn has been really rude to colin - I hate that kind of thing. It's supposed to be a list for people to share their love of a craft. Makes me angry when people spoil it.
1-day til zero hour at work. By tomorrow lunchtime the nastiness which has been ruining my sleep for the last week should be resolved and I'll finally be able to explain what has been going on. I hope I'm not kidding myself as I know the staff gossip will continue but at least I'll be able to draw a line.
That Pinky hat is fabulous - would Pooch wear it ? I'd love to knit something like that for DH, but I know it would never get anywhere near his head !!!
The aran jumper sounds like fun - if you do the pattern yourself, maybe you'll find it a bit more interesting- maybe you could go for an unusual contstruction like Anna's Sargent Pepper Jacket - I think that was done in five bits plus sleeves, that might make it a bit more novel.
Hope all works out for the best at work.
Yeah, these things happen, and blow over. I am surprised that Steph appeared not to be there to step in as she usually would.
It got *way* out of hand... Still, all things seem to have settled now.
I will remember to bring you some chocolate at NW1k2tog.
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