Not exactly easy to find. I forget what this one is called. Something beginning with P near St Pauls. I wasn't that enthralled with this one. The annie blatt and bouton d'or was quite nice but basically as exciting as rowan. Mind you that didn't stop me making one or two little purchases.
Here you've got (from top left to right aha) regia 4-ply in a nice colourway, this weird boucle kind of stuff that looked quite interesting, the 127 print which is basically variegated except there's lots and lots of cream and then a band of variegated browns. Quite nice, The green one is silk and I splurged as I just really liked the colour - a kind of oriental green. Some brown variegated cotton and I lastly got 4 balls of this kidsilk lookalike in a nice pink. No magazines as there basically weren't any. There was a selection of sales stuff but it was all unappealing so left it. Prices were between 4 and 10 euros so generally cheaper than the UK.
The holiday really was lovely with lots of hanging about in cafes and wondering the little streets and popping into places like the louvre and the pompidou. I won't bore you with tonnes of pictures but there are just a few highlights...first my favourite painting in the pompidou (you could take pics - even with a flash - thought it was quite weird. Naturally I did not use my flash as that is evil so here is the result.
Food featured large in our stay and I've got two particular pics to share here. First is the posh idea of hot chocolate....Mmmmmmmmmmm
It was so good. So good. SO good. In case you're unclear what I'm raving about that cup is basically full of liquid chocolate and the silver jug on the left is full of more of it. OK so the low-carb low-sugar thing was screwed but hell! I was on holiday. And it was soooooooo good.
The other foodie item is obviously Pooch related. Now Pooch and I had proper oysters for the first time one night. I didn't rate them but Pooch really did and went on about them all through the meal (they had been part of a seafood starter). When it came to pudding time I dutifully ordered a really rather nice choc mousse and Pooch...looking furtively around him, beckoned the waiter closer and muttered something to him. When our desserts arrived this is what they looked like.
Yes, that is 6 oysters in the background. What a weirdo.
Right must dash off to work (yeah baby!!!!! internet at home at last wooo hooo) but will post part 2 tomorrow.
ah, France is far easier to eat lower sugar in that the UK, their desserts are simply not as sweet, and the portions as smaller :-)
So, no worries there.
You look like you had a wonderful time!
Phwoar, get a load of Pooch and the seafood obsession. So er, you were in Paris, city of Romance and Pooch is necking oysters like they're going out of fashion! You one lucky lady.
Nice yarn purchases too, especially like the green silk. What are you going to do with it?
Glad you had a good time, good to seee you back safely too!
I'm pleased you had a good time and glad to see you back safely. Love, love, love that "Oriental green" silk! Can't wait to see what that wants to be.Storage of shawls? Hanging on various hangers all round the bedroom. Taken out and worn at least once a week, shaken out in sunlight if poss. The one that got the m**h is still in the freezer, awaiting serious remedial attention. Maybe I should try hiring them out for special dinners etc.
So glad to see you back and almost fully recovered. Catch up soon x
Sounds like you had a great time! Nice stash enhancement!
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