You see Pooch left me to fend for myself for one evening. You know how if you don't use your muscles they waste away? Well the same has happened to me with survival skills. I knew I would be providing food for myself but I stupidly counted on there being bread at home or a tin of soup. So there wasn't any soup so I could see the bread and thought I'd have tuna maiyonnaaaiiissse sandwich. Yum. I used to live off these when I was younger. So I made the tuna mayo and got my bread ready for toasting. The bread has a large amount of mould on it. OK, let's not panic here. I do a quick search for any form of bread product and find none. I see a box of cheese biscuits in the cupboard and any port in a storm right? So I'm heading for an evening meal of tuna mayo and cheese biscuits. I reach for the box and la Poochy has put an empty box of cheese biscuits into the cupboard open end first so it looks like a pristine box. I don't even eat that much cheese. Anyway. Now I have slightly warmer tuna mayo and nothing NOTHING to eat it with. So I just go for it and start lapping up the tuna. Frankly, tuna mayo is a leetle bit boring and cloying by itself. So I'm desperately looking through the cupboards and my eye falls upon the chocolate digestives. Digestives - a savoury cheese type biscuit right? So I get a choc digestive, take a bite of tuna, take a bit of biscuit and....No. It didn't work. It really was as disgusting as it sounds.
So what with all of the bad food and busy work stuff I haven't had much time for blogging. I had a 3-hour PRINCE 2 practitioner exam on Friday too which didn't help and then a weekend in the country with a rather sulky Pooch. We had a good long talk though and have sorted a few things out.
While i was away a lovely surprise was delivered - Look!
Two lovely magazines and...
Isn't this amazing? I immediately went online to find out about it. Here is the site. Babelfish does a very good translation of it too. Machine washable and divine! Could there be a better present? All this is from Helen and I love it - thanks for being so fab xxx
I have had a couple of other parcels by post recently. A lovely box of variegated machine embroidery thread which I will be using on my placemats...
A wicked selection of fat quarters going to make up the placemats in part.
The placemats will be made from these strips in what I hope will prove to be a funky way. I'll keep you updated...
Finally, anyone care to guess what this is?
Yes, I have finally fallen to the depths of cross stitch and am guiltily rather enjoying it. Wish to reassure you I'm still knitting though - have done 3 socks and almost finished a 4th in the last two weeks. Will be turning to the ewa's wool for my next pair!
Am off on leave all this week so hopefully will be blogging more regularly. xx
Cool, glad to see your package arrived safe and sound this time. Hope you're feeling a bit better. Hx
PS I have spent a happy half hour with Babelfish. The translation works a bit better than the Google one I'd been using, I shall definitely use it again.
By the way, in case you thought the translations of colours such as this:
Marrakesch 4.00 €
Für eine grössere Darstellung
klicken Sie auf das Bild.
do you know also? You hear a city name and it see before the eyes a color, which reminds you of this city or which you bring together with it.
Like that is Marrakesch (humans for me - there I was sooooo already for a long time no more!) orange. A dark orange with something tonfarbe. Sun, joy and vitality. Friendliness and Geldmacherei - everything closely together * laugh * a beautiful city - I should absolutely again; -)
were a bit odd in the translation, I asked my German friend to have a look and she said the colour descriptions really were that nuts!
Blimey, I must stop commenting so much! Just popped by to say please pass on the mags to someone else who might like them when you have finished with them, I have plenty of reading material to keep me going and I don't save my fiberarts mags in the way that I save knitting mags.
Good to have you back Lixie :o)
i've just been in a haberdashers in Kingston, buying fabric. I've decided to branch out into clothes making (first stop, baby dress). You've inspired me to try patchwork too. I used to cross stitch loads when I was a child (yes, a bit strange!) I think I'll have to get back to it at some point. Do you know anywhere in London that sells good cross stitch kits? Or online? Something a bit contemporary would be good. Thanks.
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