Monday, 26 March 2007

Fruitlooping it UKHandKnitters Style

I swear (or I would if the list rules allowed it) the UKHandKnitters yahoo group has a complete hissyfit every three months. It is a sign of how society does something to someone everytime some sort of circumstance happens, especially when they are in a group or community represnting something, or something like that. This time it is HipKnits again. There are the "but she's pregnant/given birth" camp and the "but she took my money and won't answer my emails" camp which I was until recently part of. I have now got my refund and am steering well clear of hipknits. The listmom, in a misguided effort to steer the conversation away from HipKnits, has announced she will be banning all discussion of any inidividual company or any discussion that looks like it pertains to any company. I have some questions, which I've submitted to the list...
  1. Is she now reading every message and passing or deleting them individually?
  2. Are only certain people's messages being monitored, and if so who?
  3. (I only just thought of this one) does this mean we can't talk about patterns that are in books by Debbie Bliss or Rowan?
I feel for Dora but can't help feeling she's started a whole new heap of trouble for herself. I'm just going to go no mail for a while (which is what I normally do when these nutty episodes kick off) and go back in a few weeks when everyone will be all loved up again and past indiscretions forgotten. Jeez!



The UK handknitters list is like no other list I have ever known! It really is quite a bizarre one. I agree that such a policy is going to be a nightmare to implement, I think she's making a hell of a lot of work for herself if she decides to go down that route.

Anonymous said...

Do they ever talk about knitting? In the last week or so, we've had long dissertations about Dr Who, whole theses on small business management plus plain nastiness. A few weeks ago, it was racism. You're right - it isn't like any of the other lists I belong to either.

Artis-Anne said...

I have found this with so many of these forums, hence I tend to lurk more than post. I truly do not need any hassle in life, thats why I craft . Saying that my daughter bought stuff off Kerrie and never received them nor a refund and eventually she gave up trying so don't think we will buy again!!

Anonymous said...

I posted on the forum occasionally about a year back, but resigned from it because of the alarming tendancy of various posters to 'go off on one'. It's an odd phenomenon.

Anonymous said...

I'd say it's about dead infact.I think "Knitter's Review" beats it by miles .