It tastes very fresh and clean with just a hint of sweetness. Definitely best eaten fresh but then my handmade bread does tend to always be that way which I guess is normal enough as it has no preservatives in.
I got a new phone this week and while surfing the app store I came across Instagram. I know - everyone has this already but I hadn't gone there but have now finally given in.
I read a funny article about how its use is making all our photos look the same and really bad quality, but the filters do have a rather kitsch delight about them. So armed with my new phone and my messy hair I went off to Lewisham yesterday and got the rest of the fabric needed to finish my quilt.
The purple flowery fabric on the left is the backing. I spent ages looking for the perfect fabric and was just about to compromise on a cow skin print when I saw this one - and I love it! I have tacked the backing and the wadding to the front and it just remains to run a line of red zigzag around the central purple dots. Then the binding and it's done! Awesome.
Knitting is a difficult subject for me at the moment - I was happily making a pair of socks out of some leftover yarn when I realised I would only just have enough for one - never mind the second one. It has caused me to falter so rather than knitting this afternoon I decided to cut out more bunting.
This is my sister's wedding bunting. Yes, there is going to be a lot of it. It's a big room with a nasty ceiling I'm told. But it's no good. I'm going to have to go back to knitting soon. If only because I need to get a few projects ready for my trip to amsterdam in a week. What does one knit in amsterdam? Socks are just so portable but I always seem to be knitting them. Hmmm....thinks....
Nope. Got nothing.
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