Monday, 13 January 2014

Kyushibarikyu Gardens, Take Two


Back in June Pooch and I visited these gardens as part of our whirlwind tour of the city. We went back again today to see how they looked in a different season. In a word? Beautiful.
On our first visit it was about 30 degrees, humidity of 99.9% and raining on and off from grey skies. Today was about 5 degrees, normal humidity and bright sunshine from blue skies.
Back then there were perhaps 3 birds in the whole place. This time it looked like flocks of two different types of duck were either pausing in their migration or had bedded down for the season.
They had also tied up some of the trees in these kind of nets - not sure why. It was clearer what the nature of the protection was with these.
Pink and Purple Peony
I *think* these are Peonies although I could be wrong. They certainly seem rather reminiscent of the fabric you see a lot of here.
Peony Floral Print Fabric (#2)
Amazing colours.
Red and White Peony

Pooch and I went for traditional Ramen at a place opposite the station afterwards. Wonderful old dark brown wooden benches and tables.
Traditional Ramen Place bench
There was an impressive amount of slurping coming from the tables around us which Pooch was more than happy to join in with. I remained more demure and tackled mine more like spaghetti. No mean feat.

Before you go I encourage you to revisit my previous post about shop windows. Wendy left a comment which answered most of the logistics questions I posed in among the pictures and it is all pure knowledge gold. Thank you so much Wendy! I've often wondered about all of that and now I know!

1 comment:

Mairead said...

Yep, they're peonies, but HUGE! Simply stunning.