Friday, 9 May 2014

Making Up For No Making

I've already made more this week than I did in the whole of April. I had a sudden attack of makedness (which should be a word) and so I give you...a thing to stop the door slamming.
Door Slam Preventer
Primpted by necessity rather than aesthetic value but it does the job very nicely. There are some batting scraps folded up inside to simply stop the door going 'wham' or 'clickity click' when the breeze catches it. Action shot.
Door Slam Preventer
If you actually want to close the door you undo the ties and leave it hanging on the knob. Nice.

Then we have a sunglasses case.
Epp Glasses Case
I handsewed the patchwork part of this last September, cut out the sandwich and glue basted it then never got any further.
Epp Glasses Case
I brought the pieces with me to Japan and finally it appears.
Epp Glasses Case
Straight line quilted since the machine I've been lent is very basic. The case has got one of those press-the-sides-together-and-the-rigid-pieces-bend-and-it-opens type closures.

This sewing machine cover was also whipped up this week.
Sewing Machine cover
The tulip fabrics were from the 100Yen shop and the rest were from stash. We get a lot of dust here and three weeks away had let it build up on the machine so I thought the time was right to finally make one.

These makes were all quite practical but highly satisfactory to complete. I hope to have other attacks of makedness in the near future.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

great makes! I need one of those things-that-stops-the-door-slamming! There is a name for the thing you put in the top of your glasses case - it's a flexi frame