Wednesday 25 August 2010

Tutorial Tuesday - F is for Freddie

I posted this teaser pic about 5 weeks ago. I can now reveal it was.....
A very special cushion for my sister's birthday. She is somewhat hippo crazy and so when I saw the fabric at Ikea in the spring I knew it had to become something for her. Adding the initial was very easy. I got hold of some double sided fusible webbing - the type of thing which you use to hem trousers without sewing. You can buy sheets of it here (scroll down - no affiliation). If you didn't buy sheets of it you'd just need to be a bit more cretive with the trouser stuff but it would still work.

I played around with some fonts first to get an F I liked but then just ended up drawing one freehand. I cut the webbing (which has paper on both sides) to the right shape and ironed it onto my dotty fabric. I then cut the fabric to the right shape around it and ironed it onto the hippo fabric. I think that would hold it without the need for sewing but for neatness I went round the edge with a small zigzag stitch in a suitable colour.
The cushion pad comes out thanks to some plain yet yummy buttons on the back.
I admit I was pretty chuffed with this one.

Did I stop there? Never. One of the gorgeous tutorials I've been gethering on this page (also in top menu bar) was calling to me....bunting.
Is there anything as cheerful as bunting? And it was very easy to do. I literally just followed this tutorial. Except I used a piece of ribbon instead of bias binding.
I really want to make some for me!

Monday 23 August 2010

Festival of Quilts Part 1

I have got soooooo many photos - about 80. They are all on Flickr here - no need to sign up for anything. So these are just the highlights.

First off, if you're not familiar with 'Festival of Quilts' it is run by the same people who do the Knitting and Stitching show at Alexandra Palace and elsewhere as well as a load of other things. The company is called Twisted Threads and their website has details of the next and other events. In size it is like Ally Pally (i.e. same number of sellers) except the exhibition is mahoosive. Seriously. I got there at 11.30 and had a class booked for 3.30 and I was immediately panicked that I wasn't going to be able to see all the Quilts. There are a few different categories - classic, art, contemporary, non-quilts (i.e. clothes) and then a group and a children's section. There are also regional or national quilt organisation displays plus special guest areas (there was an inevitable Kaffe Fassett section, but meh, once you've seen 100 KF quilts, you kind of get the idea). If you are interested in sewing and fabric then this is a great show for you to go to for supplies and inspiration.

Quilts can be classic - for warmth and comfort. Or they can be art for art's sake. Or they can be a combination of the two. My personal taste is for lots of colour and tonal blending with an interesting pattern. So that explains why this one...
Photobucket probably my favourite. 

The selection at the show was just breathtaking. The very traditional:
The traditional-twist:
This one shows the clever block that repeats to create this whole quilt:
The Art Quilt:
I loved this one. Such a simple idea but so skillfully executed.

Then the non-quilts. I saw this one from the back first:
That was amazing enough.....then I saw the front.
Wow. Almost worth giving up chocolate and....just about everything I have ever enjoyed eating so be able to fit into that kind of dress.

Then there were the oddballs, which always have a special place in my heart. Isn't this adorable?!

One of the things I really loved was being able to get up close and personal. You could really look at the surface decoration and there were even white-gloved stewards wondering about to display the backs if you asked nicely. This one looks impressive enough when seen as a whole.
But then look what the quilting adds.
So clever. There were lots of others like that. Some where maybe the piecing was fairly straightforward but then the stitching was key. The full version of this is on flickr, but this small piece (about handsized) is another example.
I'd love the be able to go through all of them one by one but I've already done that on Flickr so go over there for more. Just a few more here....
OK, I'm done!

One thing that really struck me was that the stallholders were all lovely. One even happily agreed to pause and pose for a photo.
The little bobbins bouncing about on her headband were so funny!

I think that's enough for one post, so I'll post more on Wednesday, since tomorrow is already busy with Tutorial Tuesday - which coincidentally enough is a fabric tutorial!

Saturday 21 August 2010

Why sir, you flattr me!

I was once again glomming and came across the concept of showing your blog love in a more supportive way than hit counts or comments. Welcome to the mirco-economy of

It is an amazingly simple concept. You sign up, commit a min of 2 Euros per month through paypal, and then you  "flattr" people who have already signed up. Your 2 Euros, or more if you want to, are then spread evenly between all the people you have flattr'd that month. There are some widgets to add to your blog and away you go. Check the bottom of this post for my 'Flattr' button. 

I really like this idea. There are lots of blogs - like Craftypod, where I feel I really benefit from the work the author has put in and I am happy to give such a tiny amount per month to show that. As with all online projects though you need a critical mass to make it work so....why not sign up yourself? It is terribly easy - go to and sign up!

Some people to Flattr, just to get us all started...
Leave me a comment and your blog address if you sign up and I'll come over for a visit!

Friday 20 August 2010


I am foolishly excited about the Festival of Quilts. I am going on sunday and then have the next two days off work so I can truly revel in whatever goodies I bring back. I have been trying to work out why I am looking forward to it so much, and have concluded the answer comes down to antici......pation. I can never say the word all in one go, ever since seeing the Rocky Horror Show.

I booked it quite a long time ago and have been putting off buying fabric and bits until I have been there. Of course there has been the occasional purchase, but nothing major. One thing I am excited about getting hold of is the CurveMaster sewing machine foot which allegedly makes it easy to sew curved seams so they lie flat. This is something that never ever happens for me. There is a video of it in action (youtube) here, and I am looking forward to trying it out for myself since there are a number of quilts which it would be useful for.

I think on that note, it's best to end on a Flickr mosaic.
Credits from left to right, starting top row, 

Lastly, I made another bowl.
Loving those bowls.

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Tutorial Tuesday - Podcast Competition Winner

Welcome to Tutorial Tuesday! For a kick off I have compiled all the suggestions you submitted as part of the podcast competition plus a few of my own favourites.

So the challenge was to comment here or on the podcast site leaving a link for a last-minute christmas present tutorial. The list is.....

Then these are some extra ones you might like:
  • House Christmas Tree Decorations - I've made one and they are very easy. Print or trace them onto red or green card and add some glitter glue for xmas fun!
  • Jewellery Pouch - I've made two of these and plan to make more. I use mine everytime I go away.
  • Pouches of sweets/nuts - use 'bauble' or xmas tree shapes and you've got a great and cheap stocking filler. 
So drumroll......the winner Mr Pooch pulled out of the hat is......IVY! Congrats to you and please email me your address to littlelixie at hotmail dotcom.

Later this week I'll be posting a book review, plus the chance to win the book.

Saturday 14 August 2010

This week I have been mostly...

...making coil bowls and taking pictures of random things while out and about in London. And knitting of course. Random first.
Crayon Shoes
Pooch thinks it is wrong to take pictures of people on the tube without asking them. And I agree that taking pics of people's faces or up their skirts or something is very dodgy. But I think bags is justifiable. And shirt pockets when suitably positioned.
What would YOU keep in that pocket?
Is it possible the bag says something in braille?
An adult woman was using this. Perfect

Thinking back to the bracelets - when I channelled by inner-17-year-old - I took another challenge on this week and finally made some coil bowls. I'd bought the stuff about 5 years ago but had convinced myself it would damage my sewing machine. But then I saw them being demonstrated again at Knit Nation. 
It really was that easy just to run one up. A few 1" strips (much less than I would have thought too) and there I was. And it is already in use at work!
Then to top it all Pooch asked me to make him one - he never asks me to make him things!? He wanted turquoise. 
I used up some other bits and bobs too to make stripes. 

It is Pete's birthday today and so I finally finished the zip of the Steggie I made for him. There is a party tomorrow so I just hope it fits. 

I've also been doing some more 'normal' knitting too. Using the unique sheep yarn I bought online about 6 months ago, but then was reminded about when I saw it for sale at Knit Nation. 
I may not have bought much there but it certainly has caused me to get crafty! The socks use 4 mini skeins which I move between to get the colour variation. It's not seamless but I quite like the effect. These are the first xmas presents I have made - which reminds me! I'll post the winner of the podcast competition very soon....

Friday 13 August 2010

Knitting Bag from a Scarf

I bought some beautiful vintage scarves when my sister was here a few weeks ago. I thought at the time they would make good knitting bags. Here is the story of what happened to the first one.

  • Scarf - big enough to be folded in two and make a bag. 
  • Lining - same size as the part of the scarf you want to use.
These can be any materials at all but two slippery materials will be harder to sew than one slippery and one cotton type or two cottons.
  • Ribbon for drawstring - you need 4.5 x the width of the bag
  • pins, thread, scissors (rotary cutter etc makes straight cuts easier but not essential)
I gathered my materials together. I used a cotton FQ as the lining but you could be cunning and use another scarf.
I liked the red band at the top of the scarf so I used the two ends and cut out the middle.
I wasn't paying any attention to measurements - I just cut a length that looked good in relation to the width of the scarf. I cut the lining the same size.

I put the lining right sides together and sew straight round 3 sides, leaving the top open. Then I put the right sides of the scarf together and sewed across the bottom and then up the sides - but leaving about 1cm unsewn where the red band started to add the fastening later on. See cunning digram.
Red arrows show where the line of stitches skips a centimetre.

For me, this is the most difficult step because it totally defies logic and I don't have a picture because I did it wrong (again) the first time and had to rip back and start again. So...deep breath. Turn your lining right side out and press the seams. Leaving the scarf with right sides together. put the lining pouch inside the scarf pouch and match up the top edges. Pin around the edge so you end up with the right sides of your lining and scarf together but hidden from view.

Sew around the top of the bag leaving an gap big enough to pull the whole thing inside out through. I'd say about 2.5 inches but it's up to you. If this is your first one leave a bigger gap.

Pull your bag inside out using the gap you left. This is mine, with a yellow circle showing the gap.
This can be quite fiddly but is worth taking time over. You could iron it at this point but I'm not big into ironing so I skipped that.

Push your lining inside the bag and smooth everything into place.
You'll still have that hole, but we're about to close that. You are going to sew a line of stitching around the outside edge of the bag to keep the lining secure and smooth inside so pin it to start you off and then sew just a few mm from the edge.  Action shot.

You are now going to sew two more rows of straight stitches around your bag to create a cranny for the ribbon to run through. Take a good look at this technical diagram:
The green circle is where in step 2 we left a little gap when sewing the sides of the scarf. The yellow oblong shows the stitching around the edge of the bag (no laughing at my messy stitching) from step 6. So that leaves the two blue oblongs to show where the cranny stitching goes.  How far apart the two rows are depend on how thick your ribbon is. I used skinny ribbon and so mine was about 1cm. Try and keep it even all the way round.

Almost there. Using a bodkin or some other needle, thread it with half your ribbon then poke it through the gap from step 2 on one side.
You are going to go all the way around the bag without coming out of the gap on the other side, so you'll end with the bodkin appearing again from the same place where it went in. Now flip the bag over and do the same thing with the other half of your ribbon. If you've used thick ribbon take a minute to make sure it's laying flat inside the cranny, then tie the protruding ends together to make sure they don't get lost.
Ta da!

Fill with wool or whatever else tickles your fancy and feel proud of your achievement!

This would also serve well as a toiletries bag, or for clothes pegs, or toys, or sweets, or as a lavender sachet for drawers or....practically anything really!

Wednesday 11 August 2010

When the little voice tells you that you can’t

I have been a long time admirer of the recycled knitting needle bracelets made by Sassafras Creations on Etsy ( I have a blue one and a red one and she was doing some biros about 3 years ago that I always wanted but never got, but that’s not really the point. I got my bracelets at different times over the last couple of years and I wear them often.

(Figurines available here - no affiliation.)

Then I got to thinking, “It’s a bent knitting needle. I have knitting needles. I could bend one.” And I did have the needles but then the little voice started telling me how hard it would be. I would need to heat the metal needles to get them to bend smoothly.

“OK,” I thought, “I’ll use the oven”.

But if I heated metal needles in the oven the coating might burn or smoke or melt or something.

“OK,” I thought, “I’ll do one and see what happens.”

But they are not all made by the same company. What works with one needle might not work with another and the next one might melt and ruin the oven.

“Well” I thought, “I’ll just give it a go.”

When you bend the needle it will be hot and you’ll burn yourself. And if you use a cloth or gloves you won’t be able to get a good enough grip on the needle and it will go wrong.

“That is quite offputting.” I thought to myself. “But a teatowel should be fine.”

When you bend it, it might snap and bits will fly off into your eyes and blind you.

“Yes that is very offputting.” I thought. “I’d better wait til I have some eye protection.”

And so on. So of course then about 6 months passes and I still haven’t so much as moved a knitting needle near the oven.

Yesterday is when everything changed. I had had a fairly bloody day and was grumpy. I’d had enough of listening to ‘the man’ and wanted to stick two fingers up to the world and do what I wanted – much like a 17 year old. I was, in fact, in a perfect mood to quell the little voices. I was also, and this is important, wearing one of my Sassafras bracelets.

So I got home. I got a plastic beaker. I retrieved one of my pretty metal needles form my stash. I bent it round the beaker. It didn’t bend perfectly so I bent it a bit more by hand. And it was good.
(Sassafras needle is blue, obviously)

Then I did some more.
And yes, they're not as good as the professional one, but then they didn't cost me anything and took about 5 minutes. And if I heated them up and used a proper vice and all that jazz they probably would look better. But I think they look pretty good as they are.

So to summarise, sometimes it is good to channel your inner 17 year old. And if you're reading this and you are 17, it all gets worse from here. Chin up.