Friday, 12 August 2005

Catch up, ketchup

Yay, settled in front of the tv with the laptop (OK, Pooch's laptop), a twirl and a pepsi max cooling in the fridge. Watching the A-team (bless you dvd) with two whole days of la la la ahead of me. So where to start?

I guess with the bag that finally got to my secret pal.
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Another of my trademark button bags. Found the bag itsel in matalan and has a zillion pockets so thought would come in useful and she seems to like it. Here's a close up of the buttons.
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And let's not forget this was pre-jane so had limited buttons to work with. Am now plotting to spin with buttons, but more of that later.

Next up would have to be the brooch I won on ebay. It's a lot bigger and heavier than I thought but I think it'll look good pinned to a bag. It was only £3 including postage so I'm not bothered.
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And finally in the picture stakes, I've come over over spinnable. Here is me trying to spin three threads at once and realising that it's not for me.
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Got into rather a tangle and had to literally cut my way out of it. Here is what the second attempt looked like (all 10 g of it!)
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Sorry, got distracted...
Baddy: Oh you're a big one aren't you?
Mr T: More to the point I'm a mean one sucker

The thing is, the thing I still haven't got a handle on, is what do you do with your handspun afterwards, Nickerjac made a hat. But what do you do with 10g? Sell it to a scrapbooker possibly? Or is there another option? Anyway, between philosophising and biscuits I spun/span 3 shades of grey merino together and got the stuff wrapped round the bottle. My plan was then to ply it with the flourescent letters on the coral 4-ply but I actually quite like the greay stuff as it is. But then we come back to the big philosophical 'why'? or 'what'? Depending on how you look at it. If I don't molest it with letters then does it have any point or is it just an existential protrusion into undefined craft-space. (I designed that sentence hoping that Terry Pratchett would drop by and be proud of me).

I have a couple of plans for the weekend..
  1. Visit the handweavers studio and pick up some more supplies of merino, wendsleydale and blue-faced-leicester plus another drop spindle and something to wind spun stuff onto that isn't a water bottle.
  2. Visiting Nickerjac in her studio
  3. Spinning lots more mad stuff
  4. Having a bit of a clear out
Workwise stuff today was quite weird. Sean, Denise and I know I'm taking this new job. I told Vishanti last thing as she's on leave next week so now she knows. I'll tell John I'm applying on Monday, then others will get to know and gradually everyone will know and then I'll move desk and then that'll be it. Weird.


scarletprincess said...

Well i love your yarn... you could make little badges for scarves or felted earrings of they have those beautiful flowers in!
Good luck with your new post


I'm loving the button bags and the homespun, but I'm a little confuddled - I didn't send you the Love Sequins, beautiful as they are, I did send you a package with squishy spinnable stuff in it which I hoped you would have got by now. If it's gone missing then that's the third package to go missing in the post this year, all knitting related (I never had a package go missing when I lived in London.....) I sent it to the address you gave me a couple of months back...have you moved maybe? Are you sure there isn't a post 'held at depo' card hanging around your flat? Let me know 'cos I'm about to knock some heads at my local PO if they've lost yet another gift...BTW LOVE that Ebay broach, what a bargain!

Knitsmith said...

I love that brooch, wish I had seen it on ebay!! I see the trip to the handweavers studio went well, I love wensleydale too, such lovely soft fleece and wonderful lustre.
Happy spinning,