Loop on the other hand I think very highly of. Am not feeling like doing a write up now but Nickerjac has done an excellent review plus pics so skip over there for more. met Noel and some others too so was good to see what they had on the needles (I was still bashing away at clapotis...still...)
The increase in pills hasn't gone very smoothly and is presumably why I haven't keeled over to sleep yet. Had the bad thoughts again on and off all day plus headaches. Been at a bar all eve for some party but wore the mask the whole time. Will just have to persevere for a few more days til it all kicks in.
More spinning tomorrow....or today rather. Feel I ought to include some image so here is one I like..
I love this kind of fleece (wensleydale). Nickerjac had some from silkwood yarns where occasioanlly the curly bits were left dangling and it was fabulous. Need to find out exactly how crazily expensive it is.
Hey Lix
I'm not sure what you meant about a slippery slope, but thanx for cheering me on! I just don't have a natural computing knack. Good job I have knitting... but then I went all stupid ovef that yday as well! Hope you're feeling better soon
Sorry the dosage going up is giving you a hard time, if you ever want to escape you can always come and hang out at the studio no mask required.x
What is this urge that men have to put felted things on their heads? Tea cosies, bags, you name it, if it's felted they want to wear it on their bonce. Bizarre.
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