...(nice moody look eh? Pooch and I ended up on different sides of a 'discussion' about whether the neighbour's music was loud enough to be complained about) or so I thought. Because what has happened? It is TOO BIG. Now I know why this is. I almost lost the will to live while doing the cable repeats all up the front (here they are by the way, not that I'm showing off or anything, ahem)
so I decided not to do the cables up the back but just to do the 4 lines of twisted stitches in the original cable. At the same time I CAST ON THE SAME NUMBER OF STITCHES AS IF I WAS GOING TO DO THE CABLE. Hello? Earth to Byrne? So I have a plan (cue maniacal laughter). Naturally this does not include ripping the back and doing it again, because that would be silly. No, it includes putting a kind of f*ck off pleat in the back and pretending it's part of the 'look'. A la...
The other option is cutting (steeking?) and sewing up the two sides, but that scares me.
So it fell to Andrea to be the only one who told me I didn't look like su pollard which was obviously what I was fishing for. Hmph.
Nonetheless Lixie you look fab in your red halter top, mood or no mood! I get that look when I've finished something and want to cry becoz I've made a balls up- like the vest top I made not so long back- it's in the bin!
You have to give us time to read your entries to comment :) Of course you don't look like Sue Pollard but what a great excuse to buy new clothes. Be brave and cut that knitting, it looks fab by the way x
Yep, the halterneck does look fab. But what is it with summer tops going wrong???? I had to frog the front of Sophie last night and found out I won't have enough to finish. Poop.
Hey I think that little halterneck top looks lovely - nothing wrong with it at all - is it actually falling down big ? could you get away with just stitching some elastic around the back to pull it in a bit - am I making sense ? Other than that - I would defo go with the pleat option - cutting it is just too much of a ghastly thing to consider ! Good luck what ever you choose to do and ahem - not a hint of Sue Pollard about you as far as I can see - you are far too young and don't seem to have the right kind of glasses anyway !
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