Hair dye in 'plum' to brighten up my ghastly locks. Knitting magazine (because some of the patterns have potential although the edgings and so on are a bit yucky - ooh hark at her!) Time Out London to plan all my little excursions. 3.75 and 2.75 mm circs for portable sock knitting. Little red notebook to be my stash-on-the-move log so I can instantly tell if I have the yarn for a pattern I happen to see of if I need to go shopping. 3 fabric marker pens to make self patterning sock yarn without having to make up any dye (have been pondering this method for a while so will see what happens).
And last, but *not least*, a postcard from my lovely secret pal. This one has got cats on it - she's got me sorted sure enough!
Tomorrow I've got a trip to the london handweavers studio planned. The rest of today is for knitting on the sofa and reading one of the books I bought last week when I was hiding in Waterstones.
You know, thats a really fab idea having a log of what yarn you have in what quantity and colour! i always have to ransack my mind of what I have and how much etc... so I just buy more!
Great shopping goodies!
That idea about fabric pens is such a good idea and your getting to go to handweavers, have a wonderful time x
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