The packet of reddish fibres in the middle is more silk. The bags at the back are blue faced leicester (not a cheese strangely), yak, more silk and camel. I love camel - it is unbelievably soft and lovely to combine with other fibres. Ooooo, look at me casually using the word fibre. I wish there was a living in all this. Anyway...back to the runown - the ball of terribly boucle stuff middle right is ...boucle. The boucles are HUGE though. What is it about me and boucle? I hardly ever knit with it but I do seem to hoard it. I just love the way it looks. Finally there is something that arrived in the post - my flower fairy cross stitch kit I got from ebay. I *love* flower fairy things and had a hankering to try some cross stitch again so here we are.
Now I kid you not, but I actually dreamt about knitting a scarf in a combination of three yarns last night. And this is them:
Pink mercerised cotton, crazy pink gypsy and this weird puff slub pink and white stuff I can't remember buying but there it is. It is quite mental and therefore I love it. I'm on 10mm at the mo but think I might go to 15 or even 20mm. I'm quite liking the combination and hey, I dreamt it, and if you knit it, they will come or something like that.
I know I've been blogging a lot recently and forcing the faithful to read inches of drivel but I can't seem to help it. Another addiction along with stashing, chocolate and cyber-stalking other knit-bloggers - my apologies...
I've dreamt yarn/knitting loads of times, but not usually anything too inspirational.
Where did your cute little picci go - the one where you're doing "I'm gonna getcha"? It was adorable!
Those colours and yarns for a scarf look fab - they go together really nicely. I can't wait to see the final result.
I have never heard of needle felting before - what does it involve and what do you get as an end result ? sounds interesting though.
Hey don't apologise for bloggong! i wish i had the interesting happenings to blog every day! besides, I have hours of amusement ;o)
I have knitting dreams all the time. Not sure if this is a good or bad thing :) So what happens when you've knitted from your dream - do you get a visit from the yarn fairy and wake up to loads of yarn under your pillow????
Colours and textures look great together.
I've done that cross stich I also like flower faries especially the fuschia one, it comes from my grandmother I think. Well done with the needle felting not so good at that myself keep stabbing myself very painful
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