Sunday 17 July 2005

Fimo and felting

Mainly felting really. Finished the french market bag and here it is, volumous in it's splendour, hanging off a part of Pooch.
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I used 4 and a bit balls of debbie bliss soho from (great range, strange service). It's huge, I thought to myself, but it will felt down about a 1/3 so will be fine. You see I had thought ahead and used 7mm needles instad of the recommended 5.5 and the fabric had come out really nicely:
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OK, so it felted down by about 2/3 and is now a handbag rather than a market bag, and quite possibly the sturdiest one ever! A la....
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Very excitedly danced into Pooch's high tech programming/my stash room and of course, he saw a different use for it!
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Incidentally he says he is going to start a blog called "pooch's kennel" so that he can put his side of the story across when I am moaning about him on

I bought one of those french knitting dollies as i-cord seems a bit too movement intensive and am going to needle felt some embellishment onto it. Watch this space (will be a while as the fabric is so thick it may take weeks to dry, even in this weather).

On to the fimo...I wanted to try and make some beads that looked like balls of yarn so that's what the ones on either end are. In terms of authenticity I prefer the left, but for ease of making it is the right for sure. The middle one is because when wonderful Trudie sent me her fimo stash she had some fabulous silver and gold in it which I had never seen before so I thought I'd try a bit out and see what happened - I love it!
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Had emailed silkwood about some yarn i saw at nickerjacs - the one I mentioned at the end of my last post. Tess emailed me back and it is £12 for 100g and if you see this stuff you would expect twice that. But best of all she has invited me out to their studios as well - I haven't been this excited since Nickerjac invited me to hers! They have all the angora rabbits there and instead of uding a microwave to fix the dye they have big ovens - or so I hear! You can tell I'm excited because my exclamation mark quotient has markedly increased.

All this means today is going really well so far despite the fact I hardly slept. Headaches are there but not bad enough to need paracetamol and despite my wonderfully creative day already I have more planned for the rest of it. If all goes to plan i will have some dyed sock cotton using those fabric marker pens I bought on Monday by nightfall. *Sigh* if every day could be like this one....

Also excellent news adding to my happiness - secret pal has been in touch and parcel two is on the way. I keep hoping parcel one will turn up as at the moment it is still awol. So disappointing for both of us but am sure I will adore whatever the second contains.

Saturday 16 July 2005

Ho hum

Things very up and down today. Knit flicks was good but the film 'festival' was v weird. An erect nob, fisting and oral sex on a 'lady' plus some sort of weird intermingled storylines type plot. Didn't think highly of it although the nob was nothing to be ashamed of.

Loop on the other hand I think very highly of. Am not feeling like doing a write up now but Nickerjac has done an excellent review plus pics so skip over there for more. met Noel and some others too so was good to see what they had on the needles (I was still bashing away at clapotis...still...)

The increase in pills hasn't gone very smoothly and is presumably why I haven't keeled over to sleep yet. Had the bad thoughts again on and off all day plus headaches. Been at a bar all eve for some party but wore the mask the whole time. Will just have to persevere for a few more days til it all kicks in.

More spinning tomorrow....or today rather. Feel I ought to include some image so here is one I like..

I love this kind of fleece (wensleydale). Nickerjac had some from silkwood yarns where occasioanlly the curly bits were left dangling and it was fabulous. Need to find out exactly how crazily expensive it is.

Every can has a silver lining

By the time I got to the hospital I was feeling truly dreadful. I was a bit early so sat on a bench with a can of 7-up. Then this lorry pulls up right in front of me...
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An omen, I thought. Then I looked down and saw my can of drink...
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Ah, I thought. Maybe the only way is up. And then, and I'm not kidding, an empty hearse pulls ou of the road just to my right. I didn't have the camera in my hand so just sat there open mouthed watching it. Still astonished I looked to my right and there is a 'full' hearse, complete with flowers, plus 2 empty mourning cars waiting to pull out. Enough of fricking omens, I thought to myself and went in.

Dr P is a wonderful man - truly the most intelligent and understanding I've ever met. He explains how the male psyche works and so now I am not annoyed with Pooch but have, under Dr P's advice, 'banked it' for later use. Am now on a whopping 60mg fluoxetine a day and he is leaving a decision about lithium til Monday but that would only be short-term to help me over this 'episode'. Once I am over it he's going to try me on another pilllllllllllllllll.

So I left feeling better and with a new understanding of the Pooch-brain and made my way to the British Museum (got lost, but I hardly need to mention that as it happens with such regularity). I realise now that I only took two pics while I was there, and one of them was of pink lemonade with my hand dyed wool in front as I loved the colours.
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The other is of Jenny, Elaine and Natalie - the old school posse as we are all veterans of such gatherings. Haven't seen Jenny for ages as she pretends to enjoy dancing more than knitting on wed eves now. Was good to catch up and meet lots of new people.
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You know I'm now worried I've got Elaine's name wrong. How embarrasing - sorry :(

Finally, I got home to find a very drunk, very upset Pooch. Turns out there was more going on today than he'd said but won't go into that here. He had apparently staggered into Liberty (and undoubtedly given the poor knitting woman there a surprise) by demanding some 'good stuff' and then asking her whether it was all the same dye lot and pointing out that of course it wasn't as good as debbie bliss maya or noro. God knows what she thought. So I am up 10 balls of cashcotton in a lovely heathery colour.
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He also got a pattern book to go with it so it's either a cardi out of there or the dreamcatcher cardi from loop-d-loop. I'll have to work out if I've got enough for that one.

Many thanks to everyone who commented - I basically did everything that everyone said at some point yesterday (apart from actually going to salsa). It looks like the Poochster and I are OK for another day. Now I have to go off and eat some breakfast and stuff myself with 3 pills and paracetamol to combat the side-effect-headache. Wish me luck!

Friday 15 July 2005

Salsa tonight

  1. Pooch agreed three weeks ago to go to Salsa tonight.
  2. It has come up in discussion several times since then.
  3. He said about 10 days ago that he had heard there would be lots of women there looking sexy and dancing - he now says this was not an indication he wanted to go but an attempt to make me uncomfortable about going.
  4. He just told me at about 9.30am this morning via text that he actually did not want to go.
  5. He has left it to me to tell his friends about his decision.
  6. I would now be the only one not coupled up if I still go which means I'd be dancing with the leftovers.
He has suggested it is unreasonable for me to be upset about this as he only originally said yes to stop me from becoming annoyed and I should have known that. So, acknowledging the fact that I did find it surprising he agreed so easily in the first place and that I know him quite well and was aware it was quite likely he would disappoint me again, should I be annoyed? And, depending on how I take this (resigned or annoyed) what should be my course of action?

Thursday 14 July 2005

THE best day

Today, because i was good in a pastlife or something, I got to go to Nickerjac's studio. It was ...a...w...e...s...o...m...e. There was wool *everywhere* and dyes and needles and postcards and beads and oh wow it was the place good knitters go when they retire, die or win the lottery. Plus of course it had Niki in it and she was the best bit. She knows everything and let me dye some of her own wool that was going to be used for public consumption and everything. She got going like a fish gets down to breathing under water while I had a little bit of a try out - guess which is which...
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Yeah, that is it, that little reddish splodge in the bottom right of the bowl. Under her expert tutorlege (how do you spell the damn word?) and bolstered by ice cream she sent me into the dyeing room ALONE. Just like that. It was like when the bird gets tired of waiting for it's chick to learn to fly and so gives it a push over the edge. She was on hand but otherwise I was flying solo, so off I went. And it was splendiferous, truly, it was wonderful. And here is me with the finished product.
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It's drying in the kitchen at the mo. So excited and impatient to see it knitted up. I think maybe a purse, but I will ponder that more later. It really was the best day - I wish things were different and I wasn't so attached to my income. I wish I could take the chance and go for it and I really should do considering my brush with death last year. All I've done though is carry on just doing what I was before. Anyway, don't want to get all down after such an excellent day. It really was just so good.

There is a yarn store called 'creations' just down the road and went in but it was SO hot in there. Got 2 balls of wendy mosaic in a stone-ish colour as sian's boyfriend wanted a scarf just like the one I gave her last xmas but in a different colour - and here is just what I need. It looks quite impressive close up!
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Have managed to get quite a lot of the french market bag done, especially as I only cast it on at the group last night.
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And check this out - I cast on and did the first zillion rows on double points - uh-huh, yeah baby, oooooh yeah. Me using double points, followed by circulars. I've got it all going on now.

My final photo for the day concerns another idea that came to me in bed - this time concerning needle holders. I haven't quite developed the detail yet but it meant that I felt justified in buying a cheap table cloth (with daisies on) and a plain, clear shower curtain. I'll keep you updated on how it goes. The little circle things are stitch markers (because nickerjac uses these ones and I want to be her...she's so cool)
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I was supposed to be going to a birthday thing tonight but have major PMT. It's weird that it only really comes out when I'm with Pooch. Actually that's just me letting it come out then. Poor Pooch...he is lovely.

I am trying to reach the place I have reached with jewellery (other than, you know, diamonds and the good stuff). I see it now in accessorise or pound shops (good one in bethnal green btw) where I pick something up anf try it on and think oooo that's nice but then think 'i just dont need it' and PUT IT BACK. I think this briefly happened this afternoon in that shop. There was lots of kooky stuff but I kept picking things up and thinking "yeah, but what would I do with it" and putting it back again. THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED WITH YARN BEFORE. Maybe this is it. Maybe there is a 12-step plan in this. Maybe there isn't but I think it probably deserves more thought. Hmmm, ponder.... - ponder away little byrne.

Wednesday 13 July 2005

I love it, but what is it?

This is a now common reaction to my little ball of fluff (no, not Pooch) since it was created yesterday. I speak, of course, of 'the ball' as it is known. Anna - you are right, it is just a big ball of fluff, not a ball of yarn I am going to use to knit with. It is done by needle felting, which is when you repeatedly stab a ball or lump of unspun wool with a small barbed harpoon type needle. It messes all the fibres (there's that word again) up and makes it stick together. It is basically felting but without soap and water and with a harpoon. I made the basic ball first with some boring stuff then harpooned the colourful curly bits on afterwards. There is a link to a Yahoo needle felting group in the left column somewhere so click on that to see a cute bear that someone has made. You have to join the group to see the other pics but some of them are awesome. I can't remember now how this fascination started but I am well into it after just one attempt and have only sustained two superficial wounds! (Needles VERY sharp - fingers very unfeltable.)

What is your business?

Not a philosophical question but a true to life one asked often, even by people I have already told. It is, in essence, providing unnecessary things to crafty people to allow them to emblazen themselves with the language and imagery of their chosen craft. So, for example, I might wear a t-shirt that says 'BORN TO KNIT' on it. My favourite is 'Man enough to knit, strong enough to purl' except of course I am of the female persuasion plus someone in america is already using that one. There will also be mugs, notelets, baby-things, wrapping paper and whatever else springs to mind. Tea towels maybe. I have grand plans but no cash! Incidentally, anyone interested in putting a couple of grand into a depressed woman's crazy business do get in touch.

How could I forget?!

Finished the damn OST project and took it round to the dti personally. The dude there told me it was just in time to go out to all the heads of the research councils to be best practice and to lead the way in what they should provide to the OST. Aha, chuffed. Have told the director who was 'overseeing' it at work and he got v excited. I'm telling you, if I don't see some sort of bonus as a result of this (going into work during my holiday! I work for a charity for physicists for goodness sake - nothing should be that important) I'm going to be rather miffed.

Tuesday 12 July 2005

*such* a productive day

So we'll gloss over dinner. I followed the recipe to the L.E.T.T.E.R. and it all stuck - edible but looked as if someone had already eaten it. So we'll leave that behind and move on. A rather irritated me wearing my lovely scarf - all finished!
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I love the suggestion that the wool fairy will now come and leave something under my pillow :) I haven't done anything this quick for ages and even though in many ways it is hideous, I absolutely love it. (I may well be wearing it at the Knitting and Crochet Guild meet-up on Friday. British Museum restaurant at 5pm for anyone in the vicinity.) Here is a close up, mainly just so that I can use the word fibre again - check out those....fibres.
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I know what you're thinking - anyone can pick up some 20mm needles and three balls of whatever from their stash and knit a scarf. And you're right. But B*E*H*O*L*D* the ball.
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Oh yeah, baby, work it work it. I needle felted some merino into a rough ball and then added the wednesleydale or whatever the (blatantly brightly coloured) sheep are called over the top. I've deliberately left it a little fuzzy so I don't lose the texture of the we....whatever sheep bits.

Just to make this post even longer I wish to report that I went to see my accountant today. Yes, my accountant. Ha! I have an accountant! It was my first consultation about starting a business and has got me all fired up again. I came home and rang LLoydsTSB for a loan. I have banked with them for 14 years so I didn't expect any problems and indeed everything went swimmingly until...."have you had any health problems necessitating a visit to a doctor in the last 12 months" 'yes' "oh....what was it in connection with" 'Depression' "oh - it seems you've been declined for that loan but you can have one over a shorter pay back period at a higher interest rate" ....just incase you go nuts again miss byrne and we don't get our money back. Dude!! I'm not keen on multiple exclamation marks but...dude!!

We have the technology...

La tra la tra la tra la I have the stuff I need (implements as we needlers call them, aha) for needlefelting. Bottom left is a book with needles in it that explain the whole caboodle. Have some merino fleece in red and a kind of pinky grey to add to my other bits of fleece to make felt balls from plus some wendsleydale (maybe) curly bits just for fun. The thing is - it all sounds horrifically expensive (silk is something like £70 a kilo) but you buy a clump of it and you pay 70p. Yippeee for 70p.
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The packet of reddish fibres in the middle is more silk. The bags at the back are blue faced leicester (not a cheese strangely), yak, more silk and camel. I love camel - it is unbelievably soft and lovely to combine with other fibres. Ooooo, look at me casually using the word fibre. I wish there was a living in all this. Anyway...back to the runown - the ball of terribly boucle stuff middle right is ...boucle. The boucles are HUGE though. What is it about me and boucle? I hardly ever knit with it but I do seem to hoard it. I just love the way it looks. Finally there is something that arrived in the post - my flower fairy cross stitch kit I got from ebay. I *love* flower fairy things and had a hankering to try some cross stitch again so here we are.

Now I kid you not, but I actually dreamt about knitting a scarf in a combination of three yarns last night. And this is them:
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Pink mercerised cotton, crazy pink gypsy and this weird puff slub pink and white stuff I can't remember buying but there it is. It is quite mental and therefore I love it. I'm on 10mm at the mo but think I might go to 15 or even 20mm. I'm quite liking the combination and hey, I dreamt it, and if you knit it, they will come or something like that.

I know I've been blogging a lot recently and forcing the faithful to read inches of drivel but I can't seem to help it. Another addiction along with stashing, chocolate and cyber-stalking other knit-bloggers - my apologies...

Monday 11 July 2005

Holiday? What holiday?

The project for the OST got delayed by me being ill and then the bombings on Thursday so I'm trying to get it finished remotely from home. Which means I have to be in contact with work. Which means I get to talk to a senior civil servant complaining about the rude and unhelpful attitude of one of my staff even though I'm not fricking there. Bloody hell.

Have felted a couple of swatches to see how they react - one was knitted with the stuff I dyed with koolaid and the colour stayed perfectly! Even in a machine wash. Felted nicely too. The other one is the debbie bliss soho which I'll obviously need to do on larger needles - maybe 7mm. This (one on right) was done on the recommended 5.5mm.
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Have been umming and ahing about getting some denise interchangables. I'm really fine about knitting on crics now - what was the issue dude? - so rather than pay £2.50 a pair for each length vs size combination doesn't it make sense to splurge? Have a load of stuff on ebay so will wait until that has sold now before actually doing it - need £34 inc postage to get them in my paw.

Just waiting for my Pooch to come back to me - he is very uncomfortable about travelling at the mo - as is everyone I should think - so will be good to get him back for a hug. Once I've finished the (now) hated cable red top (still fiddling with the back) I'm going to have another go at altering his space invaders jumper so it is about half the size and actually fits him.

Ok, before I go, one more thing. Look what I did today - bread. (Yeah, I know I used a machine and it does it all for you, but still....I made bread!).
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Holiday plans

Hoorah hooray, look what I've just been out and collected:
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Hair dye in 'plum' to brighten up my ghastly locks. Knitting magazine (because some of the patterns have potential although the edgings and so on are a bit yucky - ooh hark at her!) Time Out London to plan all my little excursions. 3.75 and 2.75 mm circs for portable sock knitting. Little red notebook to be my stash-on-the-move log so I can instantly tell if I have the yarn for a pattern I happen to see of if I need to go shopping. 3 fabric marker pens to make self patterning sock yarn without having to make up any dye (have been pondering this method for a while so will see what happens).

And last, but *not least*, a postcard from my lovely secret pal. This one has got cats on it - she's got me sorted sure enough!

Tomorrow I've got a trip to the london handweavers studio planned. The rest of today is for knitting on the sofa and reading one of the books I bought last week when I was hiding in Waterstones.

Sunday 10 July 2005

Red cable top finished...or is it

I know I said this was finished before - but I hadn't sewn on the poppers or finished all the ends. But here it is, actually done...
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...(nice moody look eh? Pooch and I ended up on different sides of a 'discussion' about whether the neighbour's music was loud enough to be complained about) or so I thought. Because what has happened? It is TOO BIG. Now I know why this is. I almost lost the will to live while doing the cable repeats all up the front (here they are by the way, not that I'm showing off or anything, ahem)
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so I decided not to do the cables up the back but just to do the 4 lines of twisted stitches in the original cable. At the same time I CAST ON THE SAME NUMBER OF STITCHES AS IF I WAS GOING TO DO THE CABLE. Hello? Earth to Byrne? So I have a plan (cue maniacal laughter). Naturally this does not include ripping the back and doing it again, because that would be silly. No, it includes putting a kind of f*ck off pleat in the back and pretending it's part of the 'look'. A la...
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The other option is cutting (steeking?) and sewing up the two sides, but that scares me.

So it fell to Andrea to be the only one who told me I didn't look like su pollard which was obviously what I was fishing for. Hmph.

Are you kidding me?

Look what he was doing!!!!
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Eating curry products right next to my silk clapotis. What's with the boy? I shouldn't get too annoyed though. I have been going through a transition in my life - from mid to late 20s - and I have come to realise that i have been dressing like.....Su pollard. I'm using her sacred name as shorthand for when you dress like you used to when you were ten years younger but now you're ten stone heavier and 10 inches wider and look...awful. It's this combined with the fact that you look at clothes and judge them only in terms of comfort. And even worse, comfort = trousers you can wear big pants with. Discomfort = anything that requires less than huge underwear.

I have been moaning about the onset of pollarditus for weeks now and so Pooch finally had enough yesterday and took me shopping. He agreed to buy me clothes on condition that he liked them all, and that they were boho, and that they went together. So this is what we end up with:
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A lacy cream top you can only wear with certain bras and a boho skirt you can not wear big pants with without looking are wearing big pants. It didn't stop here either - there is a white skirt and a brown top. There would have been a little lacy bolero cardi but being a knitter and a yarn snob I recoil from the synthetic yarns they've produced these things in. Later today we are going to look at my wardrobe and he's going to rate my clothes 0-10 on the pollard scale (10=something Su Pollard wouldn't even wear if she were on stage as a pantomime dame). It's for my own good and at my own instigation but is surely a recipe for a fine old argument. The goal is for me to end up with a style that I'm comfortable with (but not in a big pants way, although it could turn out that way) but that is more feminine than my current one. I'm not going to throw anything away, but I might just put it to one side for the duration.

A knitting related thig that goes with this is lace knitting, and here it is Kate who inspires me. The stuff she does is awsome and this is her latest one to get underway and I LOVE it. I would really like to be more of a shawl person. I have always loved Alphonse Mucha's painting and feel sure the women in those would have lots of lace shawls. So need to get choosing on one to start with. Birch from rowan 35 (I think) is a possibility. Will surf and see I guess!

Saturday 9 July 2005

Way too early

I remember about 2 years ago sleeping til 10 or later at the weekends. *sigh* Been up for 2 hours. I have become quite used to watching this weird world-sport programme on C4 on Sat mornings. This week was white water canoeing and cricket. My fave was the monster trucks. Let's face it - I should have been born American. Proof follows:
  1. I adore sugary foods
  2. I love WWE and Monster Trucks
  3. I like doing all the stupid cheers during baseball games
  4. When I was in America last year for 4th July I was more patriotic (to america) than the american cousins I was staying with.
  5. I think the royal family are 'cool'
  6. I am a big fan of the A-team, columbo, murder she wrote and twin peaks.
  7. I dislike Canadians (or not wishing to generalise - one canadian)
  8. I have a therapist
  9. I have a birthmark in the shape of the statue of liberty
OK, that last one's not true but it could be. Anyway, back to the knitting... here is the clapotis. I am just over a 3rd done. Going to be huge! Image hosted by That dark line you can see across it is my own spun silk Image hosted by It varies in colour froms greys to greens to reds and oranges - lovely! Of course my spinning is not quite the article so as you can see Image hosted by my contribution was roughly three times chunkier than the hipknits stuff. Had a small (ha!) effect on the tension but I've got five, or even ten, on it so it's under control.

Friday 8 July 2005

You know how it's wrong to crochet? Well...

I've always had this hankering to give it a go. It means one less implement to poke people with on the tube, when I venture back. So now I've seen this from a link on crazyauntpurl's blog. They (as in 'the general public') say that it's easier to learn when you've got a goal in mind so could this be my goal. Crocheters out there - is this a hard project or a good one to sink one's teeth into?

So at the moment I want to try patchwork, more spinning, needle felting, crochet and machine knitting. And I have no money and a massive stash. So I'd best just keep to knitting for now.

The clapotis in hipknits pink silk continues beautifully. I remembered the little sample packets of silk fibres I spun when I did that spinning course and so I have incorporated that into it and it looks really cute and makes me very proud that I've now knitted with stuff I've spun myself. No pics today but will try and rustle one up tomorrow.


I am in love with the icon creator I used to do my portrait, top left. I've just done one of Pooch
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Even he agrees it looks like him...moody Pooch! The little icon of me in the left sidebar (buttons section) takes you to the webpage where you can do your own.

Thursday 7 July 2005

Joining a knit along?

Futuristic, milky, and silky, you are willing to go
where no crafter has gone before. You can do
just about anything, with strength agility, and
pretty colors to boot! While you are good at
slipping and sliding out of sticky situations,
remember to stay where and when you are needed.
Don't overdo it on star gazing when there's
earthbound knitting to be done!

What kind of knitting needles are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Hmm, where's the picture? Think I might have mucked up the code there. I am pink plastic needles though! I'm such a sucker for these things.

Thinking about joining this but not quite sure. Could only do it if I've already got something in my stash for it - maybe some of the coldsping stuff? Have never done a knitalong before.

Am half way through another premature baby sock which will make 6 pairs once done. It is so satisying though to have finished objects so quickly. Finding it really hard to blog and carry on normally with all this carnage on the news and so close to me. It really is horrific and I guess it's normal to feel so detached from reality when something so tragic has happened close to you. I might be mad but some people are sick.


OK but bloody freaked out. Hope others in London are safe. Our building is staying open all night so email me at littlelixie at hotmail dot com if you are stuck and need somewhere to shelter.

8pm - got home after 4.5 hours. All safe and sound and sitting tight for the forseable. Pooch hugging me lots so all good. Hoping everyone else is likewise - the picture of the torn apart bus is haunting me.

Wednesday 6 July 2005

Tiniest socks ever ever ever

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So who's had too much time for knitting today? Woah there, can one ever have too much time for knitting? What am I saying...

Pooch is out on the raz so have indulged in x-men 1 and tenny tiny tiny teeny baby socks. I'm a fervant supporter of 'ray of hope' ( and there has been a request for booties for babies with feet an inch long so I whacked out 3 pairs while watching the film. The two-needles sock pattern just makes them so easy. Here it is in case anyone feels like having a go (if you think you're hard enough). (Other teeny tiny patterns on the ray of hope website).

With regia 4-ply or something similar (needs to be machine washable) and 3.5mm cast on 16 st.
4 rows garter stitch (all knit)
change to stocking stitch (one row knit, one row purl) for about an inch.
Knit 7 st, wrap st and turn
Knit back to one before end of row, wrap and turn (this is short row shaping which I can not posisbly explain but you can easily find on google)
Do three wraps on either side then knit across all stitches, knitting wraps and actual stitches together as one stitch. Once you have done this you should be back to 16 st.
(That's the heel turned by the way)
St st for about an inch
On right side row, k1, sl1, psso, k2, k2tog, k2, sl1, psso, k2, k2tog, k1.
Cast off purlwise
Lastly - sew up the side using your preferred joining technique and sew in ends.
Do two.

Right I'm bushed. Sweet dreams y'all (and god bless crazy aunt purl for introducing me to "y'all")

Lights, action, camera

So I switched on the light and went to work sorting through my stash and then took a picture of what I'd done. A pleasing summary of my day I think. Here is what it now looks like:
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I post this here not to show off how incredibly neat it is (or is by my standards) but as a start to my - show us your stash - campaign. People always talk about how bad they are but what does this actually mean. Join me, bloggers, and post pics of your stash for all to see. Be brave...

Almost slept through the olympic announcement which would have been...inconsequential seeing how I live in Stratford and can hardly fail to notice the big statue of non-specific black female athlete outside the station. You look up at it and all you you can see is muff - wall to wall or at least filling my personal field of vision. Have managed to get some knitting done on the hipknits sillk clapotis. It is like knitting with butter or something and I have just started the drop stitches (far left) and they drop like raindrops running down a window pane (so fricking poetic I could cry, yeah right).
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During my clearout I came across the villain cardigan in colinette tagliatelli that is just asking to be ripped.
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I hate this thing. I loath it more than blueadt hated that cardigan. More than crazy aunt purl hated zelda. So the big question is, when's it gonna diiiiiiieeeeeeeeee? Tonight at golders green or will it live a few more days and maybe get frogged when I'm down visiting my Mum this weekend? Hmmmmm....

6pm - been a good girl. Not going out to knitting but have made use of what would have been travel time to frog the hated cardi and put the stuff on ebay. Search for '470g tagliatelli' if you're in the market! Feel so riteous now x

Blog roll thing

So day three of the surprise sit-in. It's more the tiredness now than the depression - I'm also gearing up for going in tomorrow and blitzing all the work that has piled up. Girding my loins is the expression that I've been using to the lovely people who have been emailing me and leaving supportive comments. I promise to change the tune tomorrow as there are only so many sympathetic things to say I can expect people to think of ;p

Seeing how I do not have much else to do (apart from knit, blog, read knit blogs, eat chocolate) I have been sexing up my blog unnecessarily (sexing - ha!) with this blogroll tool. It doesn't look that different but apparently it will auto check who has updated their blog and make their name look different and then I'll just read those ones rather than clicking through them all. Can you believe I am actually proud of this achievement? Geez. I'm going to spend the day slepping (and quite possibly sleeping), knitting, looking for new knitting blogs to read and eating chocolate.

If you go back to sleep 2 hours after waking up does that count as a nap? Or is it 'going back to bed'? I'm not dressed yet so I guess it is 'going back to bed'. But it seems a bit defeatist to go back now. Will see if I can make it til 10!

For those following the flat-next-door-saga I heard lots of noise out there yesterday and stuck my head out. The guy who was sawing the door with a big saw (using the hole previously made right through it to get maximum saw usage) claimed to be our neighbour but I'd never seen him before. He left after I spoke to him, leaving the door just slightly worse off than it was before. Now, sure, I thought about calling the police, but last time the door got battered I dialled 999 and it took them three days to come and say there was nothing they could do about it. When I told Pooch about this he was quite annoyed about me talking to strange men with saws. Hadn't thought of the whole "sawn up body of middle-aged depressee found in stratford" angle.

Tuesday 5 July 2005

Yukity yukity yuk

A second (unplanned) day at home today. Got as far as about 50 steps from work when decided that there was no point going in if I was already rehearsing how to cancel the next few day's meetings without crying at anyone. Depression swooped in with a "boo" last night just before I went to bed. Lo and behold if about half an hour later I hadn't got the whole 's' scenario planned out complete with note contents and how to locate implement. Just as well I've got Dr P on Thursday.

Woah there, just got distracted by a path I could not replicate to looking at knitting books on amazon. Weird. Worse places to end up though I guess. Have become fascinated by needle felting. I have even joined another yahoo group about it.

I have put my day indoors to good use and have finished my secret pal's next present. Won't post a pic of it here until she's received it and not sure when that will be as was going to space them out a bit.

So randomly moving on to a different thought, how about embellishing your own knitting needles? Are the steel ones coated with something that would mean they'd go weird if I put them in the oven with some fimo on the end?

OK, obviously too easily distracted to blog anything coherent. Blehhhhhh.

Monday 4 July 2005

Shopping, shipping and stuffing my face with chocolates

I'm classing picking up my pottery from art4fun as shipping - just so you know. And here it is...
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The thing to remember, when being very unimpressed by it, is that I had great fun doing it. And now I've learnt a lot about what not to do. I do quite like the mug for Pooch though. It says 'Pooch loves tea' which is very true and on the bottom I've written 'Alex loves Pooch' which luckily for him is true too. The "knitter" mug is nasty - poo brown and splodgy and I had such high hopes for it and I still really love the shape. So disappointing. And as for the plant pot....hum... People comign to my desk for a meeting will think I have a deranged child somewhere churning these things out for me whereas it's just the result of a deranged me.

While picking the things up I just happened upon four chrity shops and had a little rummage. Sadly no knitting things but I do have three star wars books and a Dr No video for Pooch. Plus I managed to find a few little things.
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Aren't the green shoes horrifically fab? And that a cherry red velvet jacket on the left and the polka dots are a little shirt that I think is very sweet - reminds me of one Pooch and I first met (I was dressed as minnie mouse you see).

So what happened to me spending the day machine knitting and making felt beads. Yes, well. Things did not start well. Here I was, all ready to get going:
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and this is what I ended up with: Image hosted by Photobucket.comI've put my mobile there to get an idea of scale - it is such a pathetic little thing. The next one basically dissolved so I gave up. Easily discouraged, that's me. Next time I'll try doing them inside little bits of tights and putting them in the machine. Pah!

For the tube ride to and from west hampstead I took one of the colourways I got from designs and cast on a sock. I still can't decide whether I actually like it or not. Any thoughts? It is chocolate by town and country.
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happy birthday to me!

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Yay. Although I am not in any way american I feel a certain bond with y'all (crazy aunt purl's influence there) so happy 4th july to all my american cousins. I was going to post a picture of my party last night but they are all too high res to post here so will have to wait til I rejig them. It was awesome - jelly, ice cream, choc cake, hotdogs, squeezy cheese - we had it all.

Many thanks to andrea and everyone else for e-cards and comments wishing me happy bday. There were many times in the last year when I didn't think I'd make it to see another birthday yet here I am, still standing and knitting more than ever. The day holds either the knitting machine or felt balls or maybe both! And maybe an exhibition? Ooooo, lovely!

Sunday 3 July 2005

Felt beads

  • So I am rather pleased with myself for just managing to edit html to make the above into a proper link and everything. I have some roving left from when I went on that spinning day so now relly want to spend the day making them's party day! Will just leave that link there for later consumption.

    Saturday 2 July 2005

    Here's one I made earlier

    Feeling slightly more alive now, but probably only because I am contemplating an early night. At my age (which cranks up to 27 on Monday) one just can not live this kind of life. Yes, folks, you heard right. The Byrne is entering her 27th year on Monday and celebrating this fact with a 4th july theme party tomorrow (on a school night - which is freaking everyone out) so likely no postings. Should anyone be feeling generous I have had all my presents this year from So far I have had chickens, water sterilisers, carers for aids children, sheep (of course - woo ha sheep), blankets and cooking sets. I get these wicked really quality cards sent to me in the post with a message form my loved one inside and telling me what they've 'bought' on my behalf. It means no pretending to like all the blah one usually gets for one's birthday and no having to find somewhere to keep it in case someone ever asks to borrow it back. Makes me feel like I really got exactly what I wanted for my birthday.

    Have spent the day on the sofa knitting more or less no stop. The body of the 2nd charity cardi is all done as is half one sleeve. I have finished a pair of socks I've been knitting for about a month already...
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    I'm feeling contrary so have put them upside down - it's not like my feet bend at a weird angle or anything. So all this camera work means I have managed to take pics of the sock yarn and silk.
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    This is the sock wool, in case there was any confusion.
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    This is the silk. 400g of it! Trudie not only has gorgeous stuff she also packs it up all lovely like.

    27. Twenty seven. Hum.

    Oh dear

    Now I don't drink really. Or if I do it will be one or two drinks about once a month. Last night I went to Arun's to play poker. £20 in the pot and then 1st, 2nd and 3rd share the doings. I came fifth to not so good. But I also managed to finish most of the dooleys that I had left there a couple of weeks ago when Arun had a party. That night I only had 2 glasses. Last night I had a lot lot more.

    It is difficult to write about as I loathe stories that start "I was sooooo drunk and..." and I hate hearing about what people do when they are inebriated. So boring. And I am largely of the opinion that people are just acting up and using it as an excuse to be an antisocial arse when they do do stupid things. And even though I had had a lot there was no hysterics, no clothing went missing, I said nothing I wouldn't be prepared to say in front of...not my mother but Pooch, say. Basically I just had a laugh.

    The other problem I have with drinking to excess is where people want sympathy for self-inflicted hangovers. Ah, yes. Now I'd like to reconsider this. People do not deserve sympathy unless you owe them for a time they were sympathetic to you in the past. Which brings us to Pooch. I have sympathised a lot in the past and so have been expecting him to reciprocate. While he has been a ministering angel he has also been taking the opportunity to take the piss. Pooch has no poetry in his soul. To further prove my point this is me half dead while he just watches TV.
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    You will note that I am (attempting) to knit on circulars. I think it's too early to say I am a convert but I like the cut of their jib.

    I was going to put pics of the sock wool etc up but I just can't be bothered. I see an afternoon of minimal movement ahead of me.

    Before I is the little jumper for feed the children. The one I've cast on on circulars has some eyelash yarn in pink being knitting in at intervals.
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    Friday 1 July 2005

    No pics for today doooooooooode

    Left the camera at home - have finished the little jumper and have started another......ON CIRCULARS. Shock, horror, gasp, other exclamations. Yes, it's true. The straight needle queen is biting the bullet and mixing her metaphors all the way to circular needles. I've cast on in the same red yarn and am on my third row (wow, etc, I know). Is so much effort but will get there eventually.

    Got my designs sock wool in the post...hang on, I have a webcamera right? So where's it gone then....OK am I allowed to get depressed again because my camera has uninstalled itself and the guy with the admin password left the building about 10 minutes ago? No, right fair enough. Am using my immense intelligence to the think outside the box and laterally problem solve. Oh yes.

    Right well that just puts the lid on it. Scanner isn't working. Sod this. I'm off for a night of texas hold-em as the only gal and no I am not going to cook the fricking pizza. Although then they'd all have to retire from the game to recover and I would be the victor. Wooooooo hahahahahahaha

    Secret Pal - the parcel STILL hasn't arrived. Am really worried about it. Is there anyway I could trace it from this end? Airmail has been rubbish recently though so I'm hoping it will just turn up in time if I'm patient. Not good at patience though.

    All those that have commented recently - you are wicked bad and fab and lush and all the other words that make me laugh. It means a lot to me to know there are people rotting for me out there (rooting in the UK sense - not the boot knocking one. Although feel free if you really want to. )

    Thursday 30 June 2005

    New blog to read She's hilarious. Buggery frick I am so bad with names - the fellow knitter I met at golders green last night - you are wicked fab but I have forgotten your name already. Sorry :(

    Anyway - she told me about her. Would recommend a read.

    Bloggers are lovely

    Thanks to everyone who commented or emailed me direct about my bad day yesterday. It really means a lot - you are all great. Have made an appt with my consultant to review my meds next week so hopefully something positive will come from that. Boss astonished me by spontaneously apologising to me this morning. Must be all the bad karma readers of yesterday's post were sending him...!

    Wednesday 29 June 2005

    First the knitting

    Was touched by the Feed the Children appeal for jumpers so took the shiny red yarn I got on ebay but never really liked texturally (I LOVE the colour and the shiny glittery bits and it is soft but something about it makes me feel uncomfortable - no I can't explain it) and started a very plain little thing.
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    And then here is branching out that I tried in not particularly good wool. Looks quite pretty though.
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    Then the rest

    Have annoyingly allowed myself to have a suicidal spree of thinking this morning. All because my boss just (rather unnecessarily but fairly predictably) took the piss in a team meeting when I made a comment. That started me thinking about moving job and that started me thinking about not knowing what to do. So then that started me thinking about how the whole concept of 'obsolescence' is what put me in hospital with the depression anyway and that got me thinking about how much longer it was going to take to get better and THAT left me thinking about whether I'd made the right choice not to top myself at the time. All this thinking took about 3 milliseconds which left me slapped round the face with the wet fish of suicide in the middle of a team meeting with my boss laughing at me. Now have to dig myself out of the hole I just fell in. Thankfully it is knitting at golders green tonight so that should lift my spirits a bit.

    Tuesday 28 June 2005

    Is it a dog or a dinosaur?

    Now I don't like dogs....but I wouldn't do this to one. Identity crisis surely?
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    Just finally gave in to the designswool closing down sale ( - yarns at 40% off rrp). Was the sock yarn that got me. I was already planning to get it for xmas presents but had told myself to wait for ally pally. But why pay full price there when I already know what the quality is like? Also did a bad thing and got 10 balls of cargo from suzysheepshop for £25 inc postage. Is the pale grey colour. I just really like the feel of it when it's knitted up in John Lewis.

    Is there some sort of 7 step programme I can go on to help me stop buying wool? Seriously - someone let me know.

    Monday 27 June 2005

    Knit knit knitting....

    Sent a postcard to my SP today. Well...I really liked it when I got one from mine so I thought I would pass on the happiness.

    Finally a knitting pic:Image hosted by

    This is what I am currently busting my gut (although not really - nice belly being nurtured on the byrne personage) over. Except I am doing it in bright red (Yes, I do knit in red a lot) with short cap sleeves. Have almost done the back which knitted up really fast in the cotton cashmere I got from coldspring. Lovely to knit with!

    I finally caved in to peer pressure concerning the closing down sale. It was all the talk of sock wool that did it. I kept thinking I'd hold off til Alexandra Palace but that will be full price whereas this is all reduced. Will see what they have left.

    Pooch and I had a heart to heart yesterday as we had rather a large disagreement in buckhurst hill of all places. We went there to feed ducks. No ducks but there was a summer fete. Disagreement about whether we should go or not followed by lots of other accusations as is always the way when such things kick off. We made up but I am going to make more of an effort to be interested in his stuff. Have made him my new secret pal, just without the secret bit!

    Just found the MIT survey on Nickerjac's blog. The button is in the list on the left and says 'I made some science' which makes a difference to 'I made a jumper' I guess! Click on it to do the survey - only takes 10 mins.

    Sunday 26 June 2005

    Isn't it saturday #2

    Them downstairs had another party last night. Had to wait up til 1am to let the noise police in but that did actuallystop them thank god. Means Pooch and I are both v tired today as neither of us are good at lie ins mores the pity. It might appear I haven't been up to much knitting-wise over the weekend but it's just not true. It's just that I forgot to take my meds yesterday until about 3pm and so felt like poo. I find it astonishing that I've been taking these pills non-stop for 18 months now and it's still not automatic to take them. What a weirdo!

    So I started 'birch' from knitty in the green and blue wool I bought from silkwood. Just didn't like it much - think I have chosen the wrong yarn. So have put that on a stitch holder ready to ponder for a few days. Then I started a scoop neck top in red cotton cashmere that I got from coldspring. Is a pattern I got from Julie (names=?) on Wed. That is going well but is basically stocking stitch for 35 cm. My ball winder got a lot of use yesterday winding all these skeins and cones into balls.

    Pooch has objected mildly to being a llama so it will only be there til Tuesday - stroke him while you can! My sister sian is coming round today for dinner. It's OK though - Pooch is cooking so it's perfectly safe. I was going to draw a pic of sian ti put up here but Pooch's rubbish computer doesn't have a draw programme. Gosh, how useless is this laptop? Wish I had a boyfriend with a good computer.

    Friday 24 June 2005

    Pooch the Llama

    I was just playing with nickejac's fish on her blog and found myself with a Llama. If you put your mouse on it's head/neck and hold down the left mouse button the llama makes a noise just like a contented Pooch (put the sound on on your computer)! I'll leave it up here til he notices it. Poor long suffering pooch!

    OK, this is definitely the last post for today x

    Isn't it saturday?

    Yay for day's off. Boo for days when you can't afford woolfest. Yay for days when you can at least do something special for £30. Big yay for painting pottery blanks and then getting to pick them up 5 days later all glazed and fired. No pics I'm afraid but I did a huge plant pot in 4 different designs on different quarters. Then did a green and yellow tea mug for Pooch as those are the colours he wanted. Then I just couldn't resist a really curvy mug and writing 'knitter' across it in red and blue - jasper johns 0-9 style. I love those paintings. Must be one I can link to somewhere....
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    Found one. I *L*O*V*E* this guy's stuff - especially the numbers. And this drawing here is probably my all time favourite. I'd forgotten how much I liked it. Really ought to get a print from somewhere.

    So I had a fandabbydocious day. Knitting and parcels this morning, painting and cool weather this afternoon, thunder storm and sushi this evening and now Moonraker on tv (Pooch at a new order concert - weirdo). Not the best bond film but not the worst either. I find it quite sweet that Jaws ends up with a girlfriend at the end. Yay - am in a really good mood. Yipppppeeeee

    The inevitable has happened

    So naturally the first knit happens parcel has turned up. Now I'll have to fork out to post it back. Tsk, just about cancels out my savings I made by getting 10% off in the first place. Ah well. So now I'm confused. Is this the parcel the postman tried to deliver on monday or is it a different one. And if it is a different one, where is the one the postman was supposed to deliver. TEDIOUS.

    So sorry secret pal for being so impatient and thinking you had dispatched something to me already - I will wait patiently now. I have planned the next stage of spoiling my own pal - a wicked bag with tonnes of pockets I'm going to embellish. Won't put a pic up until it's safely received just in case she has worked out who I am.

    Am also planning to make this bag after seeing it on blueadt's blog. Is even nicer than the one I was planning for.

    So I wanted to go here today to paint myself a plant pot and maybe some egg cups as we don't have any....but am waiting around for the postie so day is leaking away from me. Hope the parcel comes soon - will give up at 1pm and shoot over there. Now must let know the good news about the parcel.